Testseek.co.uk have collected 212 expert reviews of the Canon EOS 5D Mark 3 and the average rating is 90%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Canon EOS 5D Mark 3.
April 2012
212 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
759 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Setting a new benchmark for amateur and independent film makers
Affordable alternative to pro broadcast cameras
Rock solid workhorse-like build
Stills are beautiful
Capable of producing superb video
Lightning-fast auto-focus
Rapid shooting
Solidly built
Excellent HDR mode
Detailed raw and JPG files
High quality images
Low noise
The Canon EOS 5D Mark III offers a more streamlined shooting design
Significantly updated feature set with more configurability
Plus better performance over its predecessor. It maintains its excellent photo and video quality as well
Vastly improved AF module
Addition of 'headphones in' socket
Enhanced ISO range/performance
Faster DIGIC 5processor
Built like a tank
Exceptional image quality
Fantastic video performance
Incamera HDR
"Silent" shooting mode
Rank photos incamera with one to five stars
61point (41crosstypepoint) autofocus
The editors didn't like
Pricey if you don’t require broadcast quality video
Slight delay whilst mirror mechanism flips out of the way before video recording can commence
Clip duration limited to just under 30 minutes as it’s a camera not a camcorder
No "clean" HDMI output
Buttons to control camera settings take some getting used to
We'd love to see some more high frame-rate modes
Complicated AF system
A bit pricey
JPEG photos at low ISO sensitivities don't match the generally excellent level of quality that you can otherwise get out of this camera
Only slightly more resolution than fouryearold previous model
Abstract: 一直期盼EOS 5D Mark II 的升级版,等啊等,2012它终于终于发布了。在很多人‘彷徨'的时,我把EOS 5D Mark III购买到手。短暂使用了一周后,没有任何犹豫的出掉了伴随我2载的7D。朋友说:“为啥不留着当备机?”,两个字“画质”。和我一样,很多人梦想5D的下1个版本是5D2+7D的组合。有人说:“继续做梦吧,出来也不会是5系,100%是3D了,按佳能以往作风,上面此言不虚。但5D Mark III的发布可谓惊天地泣鬼神,超出大家300%的想象。虽然还有很多缺点、错误和不足、瑕疵,但是...
Abstract: 扫街,喜欢摄影的朋友都懂这个词,通常理解为拿数码相机在街道随便拍摄。其实不然,扫街时若没有一份好的心情,和一个捕捉故事的快门,是拍不到实际的“照片”的。这个“照片”不是说风景大片那种追求光影和细节的照片,而是讲述一个故事,一张张发生在我们身边故事的照片。扫街趣闻 发生在我们身边的故事EOS 5D Mark III 光圈:f/5.6 曝光时间 1/500s ISO感光度:4000故事,往往发生在不经意间;故事,也往往发生在平淡的生活中。作为一个喜欢拍摄的我来说,采集故事是我的一大乐趣。首先介绍一下我的器材,...
Abstract: 极光、冰川、北极熊、海豹,能有幸进入北极圈拍摄的国内摄影师不多,而姜平,已经连续7次到达这极北之地。最近,他携带佳能EOS5D Mark Ⅲ 再次完成了北极冒险之旅。佳能EOS 5D Mark III ◆ 200mm ◆ F4 ◆ 1/125s ◆ ISO 100作为一名自然地理摄影师,北极无疑具有强大的诱惑。在此极北极寒之地,生活着特殊的物种群,有着壮观的自然景色,总之,北纬66°34′以内,是一片神奇的大陆。希冀在北极拍出“大片”的摄影师,总是怀揣梦想的人,试想在那罕有人至的冰天雪地,面对了无边际的北...
Greatly improved autofocus; excellent high ISO performance,
Redesigned controls may take some getting used to.
Both the Mark II and Mark III capture about the same amount of detail, with only the autofocus and ISO performance being the major differentiators. ...
Abstract: 阿湯不知不覺第一次入手單眼到現在也差不多快 3 年了,原本在使用的入門級單眼 D3100 也已經不敷使用,在思考了好一陣之後,決定更換全片幅單眼,原本一直在 N 家和 C 家之間遊走,不過剛好在成功攝影找到一台相當不錯的二手 Canon EOS 5D Mark III,所以決定就是他了,畢竟換到全片幅,原本的鏡頭也已經不適用,那就順便換個系統玩玩,而選擇搭配的鏡頭就是 Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM,不過換到全片幅就像變成新手玩單眼一樣,一切都要重新適應就是了,往下來看更多介...
Abstract: 這一篇來的很晚。我們其實是滿後期才拿到台灣佳能提供的試用機。本次拿到的是Canon EOS 5D Mark III的KIT組合。其實在這麼後期才拿到產品,某些程度上來說,也許我們只需要繼續說服消費者:「去買5D Mark III吧!」,但我們希望理由可以更充份些。在3月17日正式開賣之後,大家應該都看過5D Mark III的外觀,功能……等等巨細靡遺,不在此錦上添花。這篇文章出發點在於5D Mark III對於工作效率上的改善。Canon EOS 5D Mark III與5D Mark II不論在設計以...