The editors liked The stills really deliver The weathersealing is seriously handy and it's easy to set the K3 up the way you want it to shoot. Solid feel Pro grade body Switch on or off anti aliasing filter In-body image stabilisation Weatherproof body 100% viewfinder Universal DNG raw format Price Rugged build quality Controls and menus are very well thought-out Stills performance is excellent Very sharp Detailed images at low ISO settings Noise handled effectively up to 3200 ISO Mechanical stabilisation builtin Allweather finish for the camera body and the kit lens (1855 mm) Video mode has good audio and exposure options 8 fps burst mode Superb weatherproof build Incredibly detailed pictures Built-in stabilisation Dual SD card slots Excellent 24MP image quality Extremely responsive Fast burst Anti-aliasing simulator Rugged and weather sealed
The editors didn't like Video capture is quite poor There's no touchor variangle screen and it could be a little more userfriendly Like the Nikon D610 There’s no Wi-Fi connectivity built into the actual camera body Squarish Blocky body design won’t be to all tastes Chromatic aberration issues LCD screen fixed Tends to underexpose Grain at middling sensitivities Noise on video soundtrack caused by lens mechanics Smaller lens arsenal than competition No continuous AF in video mode Slow AF in video mode AF isn't as impressive as direct rivals No focus peaking while shooting video No ultrasonic motorisation for 1855 mm kit lens WiFi and GPS only available through optional accessories No swivel/til Average video skills Lacks flip-out screen No Wi-Fi Bulky Expensive – but to be expected Built-in mono mic No built-in Wi-Fi/NFC connectivity
Reviews page 8 of 8
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Published: 2013-12-03, Author: Cees , review by:
goed ontworpen stof- en spatwaterdichte body, betrouwbare 27-punts AF, 25 kruissensoren, mooie heldere optische zoeker met 100% beeld, burstmodus 8,3 bps, sensorbeeldstabilisatie AF-punten vooral midden in beeld, omgebouwde mono-microfoon, ouderwets aandoend menu, geen ingebouwde wifi
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Published: 2014-10-29, Author: 梁爽 , review by:
Abstract: 风之眼:宾得在RP爆发的时代全副尚无凯撒面世老纳出山大旗飘飘!K5是划了一个时代,紧凑型,高级功能基本具备,LV勉强可用并可用来实时校正跑焦,高级APS真正奠基作。土司是雷霆般的革新,这个革新于我感受,最重大的不在于低通,而在于对焦模块,解决了自从数码机时代就困扰我的宾得不规律跑焦问题(调焦无法解决)。我说的雷霆,就是指这个。K3是阶段性集大成的机器,RP很用心,修补了许多土司及K5上的小缺点,对焦上有完善了一小步(可惜在于左右还缺两个2.8对焦点),视频有很大进步,色还原校正了土司刚去低通时的不...
Published: 2014-03-04, Author: 梁爽 , review by:
1.无低通滤镜2400万像素,低ISO下画质出色 2.27点自动对焦系统和86000像素RGB感应器,追焦能力加强 3.支持拍摄1920x1080 60i/50i短片,支持4K间隔视频 4.支持8.3fps高速连拍,持续性好 5.机身小巧轻便,具有防尘、防滴及耐寒能力 1.对焦点覆盖范围仍不够大 2.菜单界面比较简陋 2.售价偏高 前文谈到宾得K-3是以K系列的旗舰性能为设计目标,提供了诸多先进功能。图像传感器、图像处理器、对焦系统、测光系统等均作了较大升级。可以说K-3除了没有将图像传感器提升到全画幅,其他各方面宾得已经做到最好了。宾得这次显然是在打造自己的APS-C旗舰,如同尼康D300、佳能EOS 7D,然而此时一时彼一时,如今由索尼、佳能、尼康带起的全画幅风潮已成大势,这三家推出多款全画幅相机,定位和售价也不断走低,这让高端非全幅机型的生存空间大幅缩小,宾得K-3所要面对的形势还是非常严峻的。对于宾得粉丝来说,没有推出全画...
Published: 2024-09-02, Author: Chevelle.fu , review by:
Abstract: 作為目前碩果僅存的日系DSLR相機品牌的Pentax於2021年推出全新APS-C片幅旗艦相機K-3 III後,又再度於2023年推出基於K-3 III延伸的純黑白攝影相機Pentax K-3 III Monochrome,成為除了徠卡以外唯二推出消費級數位黑白可換鏡頭相機的品牌,也是唯一一款使用DSLR結構的黑白攝影相機;在上市一年餘,筆者向總代理富堃借得這款獨特的產品進行體驗,同時也一併借得SMC FA 50MM F1.4 CLASSIC定焦鏡搭配。 自底片相機演進至數位相機的時代,無論是彩色照片或是...
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Abstract: はじめまして カメラコーナーのよしとみです。今回は、ペンタックスに搭載されているカスタムイメージによる変化を紹介したいと思います。カスタムイメージとは写真の色調などを撮影前(RAWなら撮影後にも変更可)に決める仕上がり設定のことです。言えばフィルム選びみたいなものです。ペンタックスのカスタムイメージは「鮮やか」「ナチュラル」「人物」「風景」「雅(MIYABI)」「ポップチューン」「ほのか」「銀残し」「リバーサルフィルム」「モノトーン」「クロスプロセス」の11種類があり、そのカスタムイメージの中でも彩度や色...
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Abstract: 「HD PENTAX-DA AF REAR CONVERTER 1.4X AW」は、DAレンズに装着して焦点距離を1.4倍にするテレコンバーターだ。従来、PENTAX Kマウント用純正テレコンバーターは4種類あったが、いずれもAFに対応していなかった。このDAテレコンは、純正品としては初のAFテレコンバーターになる。実のところ、このテレコンの開発は、DAレンズの初期ロードマップで既に発表されていた。しかし、その後、大変な難産になってしまい、発売までずいぶんと待つ事になった。超望遠レンズのラインナップが手薄...
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Abstract: 감성사진사 라는 것은 카메라에 애착과 사랑에서 나오는 것 같다. 언제부턴가 연사와 센서 등으로 카메라의 가치를 평가하는 시대가 되어 왔는데 정작 중요한 것은 자신이 가지고 있는 카메라를 잘 활용하는가가 아닐까 싶다. 그런 면에. ...
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Published: 2014-08-22, Author: Tử , review by:
Thiết kế chắc chắn cho khả năng chống chọi thời tiết cao Chất lượng hình ảnh suất sắc Nhiều tính năng hấp dẫn Có vấn đề với hiện tượng quang sai màu Màn hình LCD cố định Pentax K-3 thực sự đã đem tới một chiếc máy ảnh với chất lượng hình ảnh thực sự suất sắc cùng một thiết kế chắc chắn cho khả năng chống chọi thời tiết cao. Có thể nói, nó đã hoàn thành xuất sắc nhiệm vụ của mình khi bên cạnh việc mang tới những bức ảnh tu...
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