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Reviews of HTC Vive have collected 323 expert reviews of the HTC Vive and the average rating is 83%. Scroll down and see all reviews for HTC Vive.
Award: Most Awarded April 2016
April 2016
323 Reviews
27 Reviews
83 0 100 323

The editors liked

  • Innovative VR that allows you to move around in a virtual space
  • Excellent visuals thanks to high-res displays
  • Controllers are excellent and offer developers many options for use
  • Brilliantly immersive
  • Can be worn at length
  • Plenty of good games
  • Incredible
  • Immersive free-moving VR
  • Intuitive controllers with good battery life
  • Solid selection of games already available
  • Nothing else quite like it
  • Nearly everything. The Vive remains the best virtual reality headset on the market
  • Bar none. The fact that it allows for room-scale virtual reality should sell it alone
  • But the fact that it does so in a way that's more believable and fluid than other he
  • Incredible lag-free wireless tracking
  • Lightweight and comfortable
  • Pairs easily and with every play session
  • Room-scale is the best kind of VR
  • Motion controllers make you feel even more immersed
  • Steam support means it's easier to get games
  • Incredibly immersive
  • Room Scale VR
  • Comfortable headset
  • Superb tracking
  • Front facing camera
  • The HTC Vive offers a flat-out amazing virtual reality experience with sharp visuals
  • Great motion controls and full-room sensing to walk around in virtual space. Vive hardware can help indicate where your walls are
  • And an in-helmet camera can be used to
  • Stunning AMOLED display
  • Brilliant camera in all conditions
  • Newly waterproofed body
  • The best room-scale VR experience available
  • HTC is investing in the Vive ecosystem
  • Can be used either seated or standing
  • Really immersive
  • Full 360
  • 3D movement
  • Incredible virtual worlds
  • Convincing sense of physical immersion
  • Freedom of movement
  • Hardware works well
  • Decent launch library
  • Precise
  • Intuitive controls
  • Easy to set up
  • Room scale is hands down
  • The best VR experience you can have
  • Motion controllers make interaction in VR natural
  • Tracking is almost flawless with proper sensor placement
  • Chaperone gives you confidence to move around in VR
  • Headset is comfortable over lo

The editors didn't like

  • Setup is far from straight forward thanks to sensor placement
  • Occasional crashes when installing
  • Room Space requires a large area to play in
  • Headphones not built-in
  • Neither cheap nor simple
  • Inevitably bulky & cumbersome
  • Very few great games
  • Pain to set up
  • Software is buggy
  • Expensive and needs lots of space
  • Not to beat the proverbial horse here but
  • Despite all the positives I've mentioned here
  • Only a small handful of gamers will get to experience VR on the HTC Vive – not because they don't want to
  • But because $800 / £689 / €899 is just out of their price
  • Hefty price tag
  • Initial setup is fiddly
  • Requires working knowledge of PC setups
  • Won't work with gaming laptops
  • Heavier
  • Less secure on your bonce than Oculus Rift
  • Fiddly firmware and a mess of cables
  • Currently lacking fully formed games
  • Very expensive
  • Need lots of room for Room Scale
  • Set-up may involve holes in walls
  • Slight stuttering
  • Games aren't polished
  • It requires a high-end PC to run. Long wires and lots of equipment take time and space to set up. Steam VR offers a lot of software but it isn't always beginner-friendly
  • Expensive
  • It's a fingerprint magnet
  • Not as enticing as the S7 Edge
  • Most expensive headset on the market
  • Still aren't quite enough killer apps out there
  • So. Many. Cables
  • Requires a lot of space
  • Cabling can be awkward
  • Lack of standout games and apps
  • Bulky
  • Needs to be tethered to PC
  • Requires a powerful PC to run
  • Convoluted installation process
  • Headset cord can get in the way
  • Field of view isn't wide enough for full immersion
  • Headset can get sweaty
  • Clearing space can be a pain
  • Especially in smaller British homes – but it is worth it
  • Set up can be a bit fiddly
  • Steam VR still crashes
  • Lens contours can occasionally be seen in scenes with bright light sources
  • Headset weighting needs improvement
  • Cr

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  Published: 2016-04-07, Author: The , review by:

  • VR和游戏结合做的很不错, 强调运动控制, 丰富、可定制的用户界面, 产品做工扎实,
  • 产品太重
  • 消费版的外形并没有太大的改变,不过在细节方面,HTC还是对其进行了改进。要知道和满是缺点的开发者版本不同,这次的HTC Vive是一款量产产品,也就是说你在网上花800美元预定就能够得到它。虽然HTC Vive比对手Oculus Rift晚整整一周才上市,但是面对Oculus Rift,HTC Vive更加具有野心。因此消费者对于它的期望也非常的高。体验视频...

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  Published: 2016-04-06, review by:

  • Abstract:  据科技网站The Verge报道,一个月之前,我测试了HTC的VR头戴设备Vive Pre,当时Pre还是开发者版本,但它已经颇具实力,可以为用户提供全方位的VR体验。现在,它的正式版终于开始出货了,虽然两者外形看起来极其相似, 但HTC还是对细节进行了一定的修改,不过真正的改变发生在市场环境上。Pre明显是一台未完成的产品,在软件和游戏上都小毛病不断,但Vive不一样, 它是正经的量产产品,你可以随时花800美元带一台回家。而且Vive仅比主要对手Oculus Rift晚上市一周,但此时的对手却面对着供...

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  Published: 2016-03-15, review by:

  • Abstract:  本月初,HTC虚拟现实设备Vive头盔正式面向全球24个国家地区发售,尽管高达799美元的售价堪称全球最贵VR设备,但Vive还是在开卖后的10分钟内便斩获超过15000台订单。现在,国外媒体已经率先拿到了这款产品,并分享了全程开箱。可以看出,虽然售价不菲,但Vive绝对是物有所值,除了头盔、主机外,还包括空间感应器、两只体感手柄、耳机以及一大堆必要的线材和适配器。而且每个部件的组装工艺看起都非常的给力,规规矩矩没有任何毛糙的感觉。此前HTC官方公布的信息显示,想要使用Vive获得最佳体验,用户必须准备一...

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  Published: 2015-03-09, review by:

  • Abstract:  MWC 2015上,HTC和Valve这两个看似风马牛不相及的公司结成了同盟,发布了一款名叫HTC Vive的虚拟现实(VR)设备,该款设备需要连接电脑使用,给用户提供沉浸式的游戏体验,在有幸对其进行体验之后,不得不说,它很棒。Vive是HTC全新的多元产品线的一个组成部分,而这个产品线之中包括了健身、智能家居和VR三大部分,到2015年底,HTC应当会推出一系列产品,这当中Vive本身和HTC与Valve的合作,自然是最出乎人们意料的了。HTC Vive会像Oculus Rift一般,在和游戏PC结合时...

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  Published: 2015-03-05, Author: 手机中国 , review by:

  • Abstract:  当我们都在吐槽 HTC One M9 的保密工作是个渣的时候, HTC 正在酝酿着一件足以重新定义人类与世界沟通方式的神秘产品,在发布之前,外界几乎没有任何针对该产品的报道,包括HTC内部员工都鲜有耳闻,而这个产品才是本次发布会的主角。他就是HTV Vive虚拟现实(VR)头盔。HTC Vive头盔作为国内为数不多的有机会体验该产品的记者之一,笔者只能用前所未见来形容当时的感受。不过作为一个专业科技媒体的编辑,本着客观独立第三方的原则,笔者尽量克制自己少用非常、特别、震撼、惊讶等副词加形容词的形式来表达笔...

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  Published: 2017-03-21, Author: Edward , review by:

  • Abstract:  HTC 早前就在 CES 為 VIVE 發佈了最新配件,當中最特別當然是「蓮花頭」形狀的 VIVE 移動定位器啦,因為可以拿住支槍玩槍 game,手感肯定比拿住一對 VIVE 控制器爽。但究竟用落表現如何?今日這款配件就正式抵港,就讓 Edward 及娜姐為大家試一試啦。以往玩 HTC VIVE 的遊戲,用家一定要用原廠的一對手柄式的 VIVE 控制器,雖然效果都不錯,但畢竟玩部分遊戲時,例如:射擊、運動等,只有視覺上有現場感,但手感卻有點抽離,感覺總是差一點。有見及此,HTC 就將控制器頂部部份抽出來,...

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  Published: 2016-04-19, Author: 天恩 , review by:

  • 其實 HTC Vive 在日本有很多很吸引的 demo ,有些跟動漫連動,有些甚實結合實物遊玩,不明白為甚麼每一次天恩在美國/台灣/香港都試到都是一些非常 BB 級「遊戲」,如果 HTC 真的打算以遊戲的角度出發的話,暫時試過的遊戲天恩實在不能投以信心一票。但若果說 HTC Vive 是現時最強的 VR 裝置這個天恩是 100% 認同,除了遊戲外,其實在商用上有著巨大的潛力。由開發版到現在的最終版,其實意見方向都是一樣: 「硬件 100 分 (最終版本再加 50 分),只是遊戲暫時未有動心之作。」試玩片段...

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  Published: 2017-11-09, Author: 黃敬淳 , review by:

  • Abstract:  儘管先前蘋果原定想推出一款搭載半透明螢幕的「智慧眼鏡」,作為類似 Apple Watch 定位的另一款數位穿戴,不過稍早據外媒消息,蘋果的開發方向似乎有了變動,轉而想推出功能較強、類似 HTC Vive 的重量級虛擬實境頭戴。 (圖/翻攝自 Flickr) 據《彭博社》資訊,這款頭戴的背後團隊正是先前在 2017 WWDC 上推出「ARKit」的工程團隊。透過這組開發工具,App 開發者能在 iOS 裝置上實現 AR 互動,如 IKEA 的 App 就允許用戶透過相機,擺放虛擬沙發或其他家具,好初步判斷商...

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  Published: 2017-07-18, Author: Randal , review by:

  • Abstract:  近年VR虛擬實境的話題性直線攀升,許多朋友或許到處在看到VR的相關話題,卻一直沒有機會親自嘗試虛擬實境究竟有多厲害。由於偏高的價格門檻、使用的場所需求與不夠廣泛的實際應用,讓VR硬體對於一般消費者的個人使用來說吸引力偏低,但VR能帶來的臨場感與變化性確實有相當深厚的發展潛力,從近來有越來越多各家經營的VR體驗場館出現,就能窺知VR在商業運用上的發展性。上週剛開幕「VR+台北信義店」的台灣研發公司奧瑪斯,目前在全台就有高雄大魯閣草衙道旗艦店為首的數間體驗館。除此之外,奧瑪斯也與高雄「義大遊樂世界」合作,打造...

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  Published: 2017-06-28, review by:

  • Abstract:  MWC 位於上海的展區,正好填補手機通訊廠在年中展出的空窗期,讓許多產品得以曝光,MWCS採取消費者、媒體、廠商共同參觀的方式,因此現場都能看到許多大媽大叔帶著小孩來玩耍,而這種模式正好切中 HTC Vive的展區,因為HTC Vive 就是需要親身體驗才會覺得有趣的產品,讓我們一起看看HTC Vive 在MWCS 國際大展的展出內容吧。看看HTC Vive 在MWC上海的國際大秀Vive 是全球首款完整的虛擬現實解決方案,集成了目前行業最領先的、最具突破性的空間定位(room-scale) 360°移動...

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