Abstract: DateJuly 26, 2012 - 10:54AM Read later Haven't we all had the perverse fantasy of being Death and swinging your oversized scythe into the face of a 20 foot tall golem? No? Just me then, I suppose. Still, if that piques your interest at all, then ...
Abstract: What Darksiders II offers is a quality action adventure experience and is quite possibly the best game released in 2012 so far.The game does in fact borrow elements from the God of War series, but the game is nothing like your typical hack-n-slash video g...
Abstract: It may have one of the silliest names for a remaster, but the Darksider II: Deathinitive Edition is anything but. There's been a great deal of care taken to bring the game in to the new generation – far more than you'd think given that the company origina...
Interesting dungeons, Solid loot progression, Diverse world
Dumb story, Few original ideas
Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition brings the original's diverse world, interesting dungeons, and great loot system to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Sure, the story is dull, and there aren't a whole lot of original ideas at play here, but the vast expanse o...
Long lifespan, Nice mix of combat and puzzles, Great animation, Great music
Lacklustre story, RPG elements may not appeal to all, Some frustrating control mechanics
Darksiders II plays it safe. It borrows from the best franchises and throws its own twist and turns with the gameplay. The story is pretty straightforward and isn't the selling point of the game. The puzzles and combat however are the reasons you won€t pu...
Abstract: Despertado por el fin de los tiempos, Death (Muerte), el más temido de los legendarios Cuatro Jinetes, se embarca en una aventura para restaurar la raza humana y vengar el nombre de su hermano. Por el camino, el Jinete descubre que hay cosas peores qu...