Abstract: This year at PAX and at E3, the Far Cry 3 booth urged folks to either shave their hair into a mohawk, to resemble the main villain Vaas, or to get a tribal tattoo, resembling the one that the main protagonist Jason has, in order to score a free copy of th...
A huge tropical world stuffed with fun things to do, Ecology and unpredictable creatures make the world come alive, Stealth and action come together in rewarding ways, Roleplaying elements and difficulty curve give a sense of momentum, Great structure lea
Some design quirks lead to minor frustrations, Certain story elements break the immersion
Far Cry 3's intelligent and elegant open-world structure balances exciting action with the joys of free-form adventuring, making it one of the best shooters of the year....
There's plenty I haven't had space to talk about, like the drug experiences or the Indiana Jones temple moments, but if you have any questions just leave a comment below and I'll endeavour to answer – as this is a particular game where I'm sure you'll hav...
Abstract: The premise of Far Cry 3 plays out like a fantasy from the darkest recesses of Nancy Grace's subconscious: seven wealthy, white Americans find themselves kidnapped by locals when their tropical vacation mistakenly dips right into the thick of civil wa...
There are still much to tell here (the handy book that tells you every little thing that you encounter, a few mini games, outpost raids to make an area safer and for fast-traveling, and more) but I have so much fun playing Far Cry 3.There are tons of t...