Abstract: The true heart and essence of Guild Wars 2 lies in its map. It took me three weeks of playing and a chat with my colleague Kirk to realize and articulate how much magic lies in that seemingly simple function. The map of Tyria isn't just utilitarian; it's ...
Abstract: Guild Wars 2 has been several long years in the making, to a point where many of ArenaNet's fans wondered if the MMO would ever be released. Well, a month ago, it did, and while the end result isn't exactly what Guild Wars loyalists quite imagined, ArenaN...
Abstract: Guild Wars 2's biggest strength is that, for the most part, it knows when to stay the hell out of your way. From its Skyrim-style fast travel system to the way the game handles player death, ArenaNet's MMO follow-up to the original Guild Wars doesn't s...
Abstract: In the past 2 years we have seen many MMORPGs either go free to play to retain players or just fall flat and die off. In 2012 alone, Lego Universe, Earthrise, Black Prophecy and City of Heroes all closed down. Star Trek Online, EverQuest, Aion and Vang...
Abstract: The idea behind the original Guild Wars was to deliver a fully realized world as big as, or bigger than, any subscription MMO without charging a monthly subscription fee. This was a new and ambitious idea at the time, and as fate would have it, Guild Wars...
Abstract: It isn't easy to make a successful MMO these days. Just ask BioWare. They had a seemingly infallible formula, but it just showed that you can't rush an MMO that didn't offer content for the hardcore players who rush through leveling, not to mention that a...
Abstract: Guild Wars 2 ReviewI didn't realise it at first but, like most MMOs, there’s a neat little feature in Guild Wars 2 that tells you exactly how long you’ve been playing for. So, after finding out, I innocently typed /age into the command box and what app...
In reality, Guild Wars 2 will likely only get better in the coming weeks and months whilst players settle in, features mature and the long-term content plans reveal themselves. It's not often you can say that about any MMO in this day and age, and even if...
Fluid movement and combat are consistently entertaining, Rethinks genre tropes in ways that keep you exploring, Exciting playerversusplayer battlefields, Flexible skill system lets you adjust your play style, Beautiful visuals with a painterly flair.
Does a mediocre job of explaining important concepts, Some lingering technical issues and other annoyances
Guild Wars 2 is a paradise for explorers and thrill-seekers alike, and the best online role-playing game in years....
More streamlined and accessible than most games before it, this is an evolution of the genre. Guild Wars 2 brings simple yet dramatic changes to the stale gameplay formula that result in an easily enjoyable experience for any MMO fan out there, and a gre...