Originally a game on the iPhone, Mando Productions has revamped Babel Rising with 3D graphics and Kinect functionality. And if that premise isn’t enough to scare you off, then you better read on. ...
Abstract: Playing god comes with a certain set of expectationslimitless power, incredible freedom, and vast knowledge are but a few of the perks. Games like Sim City and Civilization earn the moniker of "god game" not just because you're an unknown force of change...
Abstract: "And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel."The Tower of Babel is one of my favorite religious stories of all time. It epitomizes both our general f...
Abstract: Ubisoft's new game, Babel Rising, attempts to answer the age-old theological question: "How can God stand by and let so many horrible things happen?" The answer is simple: He can't get his Kinect to work. Yes, Babel Rising puts you in the shoes of God ...
Abstract: Ein christliches Gleichnis, das nicht nur Bibelfeste kennen: Die Bewohner der babylonischen Metropole wollten durch den Bau eines antiken Wolkenkratzers gegen die göttliche Herrschaft aufbegehren. Leider ging das Projekt gründlich in die Hose: Der erz...
von Jens Bremicker Babel Rising ist ein nettes Actionspiel für zwischendurch, dass mit seiner netten Idee und der einwandfreien Steuerung überzeugen kann. Wer leicht anfällig für Highscore-Listen ist, wird an diesem Titel seine Freude finden. Doch ne...
Abstract: E adesso si gioca a fare Dio. Un Dio cattivo, però, che si scaglia contro il suo popolo, reo di voler costruire una novella torre di Babele. Questa follia dà vita a Babel Rising, gioco che dopo essere sbarcato su iOS, Android e Move arriva su Kinect con t...