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GPS Units Buyer’s Guide

Global Positioning System (GPS) units are used to determine the accurate trip distance and route of travel. When a user enters the destination location into the GPS unit, it communicates with a network of satellites to determine the current location of the GPS unit using a method called trilateration. Once this data has been received, the GPS unit software will calculate the best route and distance to destination.

Although GPS can be used for global mapping and tracking, this expert guide will explain the different types of GPS navigation units and the features you can expect from GPS units within the different price ranges.

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Mio Cyclo 215

Last published: 2022-10-26
0 Reviews

BoBee GPS Positioning Tracking

Last published: 2022-11-19
1 Reviews

JHY AutoKing K4G

Last published: 2022-11-19
1 Reviews

BoBee Guardian Treasure

Last published: 2022-11-19
1 Reviews

Mio Cyclo Discover Pal

Last published: 2023-01-30
0 Reviews

Garmin Camper 795

Last published: 2023-06-05
0 Reviews

BlackVue G-1E

Last published: 2024-02-05
0 Reviews

Minifinder Xtreme 4G Tracker Rechargeable

Last published: 2024-03-01
0 Reviews

Blackvue GPS Receiver 590x

Last published: 2024-03-01
0 Reviews

Minifinder Rex 4G Dog Pointer

Last published: 2024-03-01
0 Reviews

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