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Reviews of Apple iPhone 6 have collected 969 expert reviews of the Apple iPhone 6 and the average rating is 87%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Apple iPhone 6.
Award: Editor’s Choice September 2014
September 2014
969 Reviews
7 Reviews
87 0 100 969

The editors liked

  • Great design
  • Improved camera
  • Better battery?
  • IPhone fans won't be disappointed by its great looks and functionality
  • Excellent build quality
  • Larger screen
  • Touch ID is simple to use
  • Almost everything. The iPhone 6 is one of the best-built
  • Best-performing smartphones you can buy. You can find a sharper display
  • You can find a better camera
  • God help you
  • You can find better speakers
  • But you can't find all of them together in such a
  • A lot of people still think it's acceptable to compare phones based on a spec sheet. It's not. It's about the experience
  • The relationship one has with a phone day after day
  • And that's something Apple has nailed year after year
  • The feeling you get when
  • Beautiful hardware
  • Good fingerprint login
  • Fast and efficient
  • NFC is limited
  • The iPhone 6 delivers a spacious
  • Crisp 4.7-inch screen
  • Improved wireless speeds
  • Better camera autofocus
  • And bumped-up storage capacities to 128GB at the top end. iOS remains a top-notch mobile operating system with an excellent ecosystem of apps
  • And
  • Incredibly thin - best-designed handset currently available
  • Screen viewing angles
  • Camera
  • Excellent design
  • Improved battery
  • Larger
  • Perfectly proportion display
  • Great imaging
  • Higher storage versions
  • IOS is a great ecosystem for apps
  • Games and content
  • Immaculate build
  • Gorgeous
  • Colourful display
  • Speedy in use
  • Premium design and superb finish
  • Lively
  • Engaging audio performance
  • Sharp
  • Well-balanced picture
  • Strong graphics performance
  • Slick user experience
  • Lovely design
  • Better battery life
  • Great snapper
  • Top performance
  • Design
  • Build quality
  • 4.7-inch screen
  • Faster processor
  • Apple Pay
  • IOS 8
  • New design that's more comfortable to hold
  • Bigger screen
  • Beautiful design
  • Improved battery life
  • Great camera
  • Excellent performance
  • Manufacturing quality
  • Thin body
  • Superb display
  • Fluid
  • Responsive OS
  • Among the best cameras of its generation (even though it has "only" 8 Mpx and no OIS)
  • Sound quality (headphones and speaker)
  • Battery life getting better
  • Large high-quality display
  • User-friendly
  • Decent security features
  • Fast performance
  • Good battery life
  • Great display
  • Brilliant allround camera
  • Looks fantastic
  • Great 4.7-inch screen
  • Good all-round camera
  • Class-leading performance
  • Great new software features
  • A great design (as you would expect from Apple)
  • With a polished look and premium feel
  • Excellent camera performance and the slow motion feature is very smooth
  • A lot of storage and nice choices of capacity to choose from

The editors didn't like

  • Still pricey
  • Low
  • Res screen compared
  • Big jump between 16GB and 64GB models
  • No 4K video
  • NFC is only for payments and this currently only confirmed for the US
  • I wish widgets were more than just notifications-plus. I wish iOS 8's marquee features were here
  • This and any review is going to be incomplete without them. And while the iPhone 6 is a handsome device
  • It has some distinctly unattractive features
  • Like t
  • The iPhone 6 is still a sensational handset
  • But not flawless. There are two issues that have to be raised
  • The first is the screen. It's a tricky one
  • As it could sound like I'm being rather hypocritical given my point about not basing a feeling about a
  • Battery life isn't much better than it is on last year's iPhone 5S. And there's wasted space
  • An even larger screen could have been squeezed into the same housing
  • IOS 8 is slightly buggy
  • Battery life could be better
  • Not 1080p
  • IOS 8 –– at the time of review –– is very buggy
  • Apple Pay isn't live in the UK
  • You need to use a protective case to stop backpanel getting scuffed
  • No full HD screen
  • Expensive
  • No waterproofing
  • No expandable storage
  • No hi-res audio
  • Screen could be sharper
  • Lacks expandable storage
  • Lack of grip when holding
  • Pricey
  • No wireless charging
  • Battery still not great
  • Reqires inconsistant 'Reachability' tool for onehanded use
  • Camera slighty protrudes from the back case
  • Can be slippery to hold
  • Protruding camera lens
  • The screen
  • Facade size ratio could be improved (screen only 66% of facade)
  • Some games could have better graphics
  • NFC limited to use with Apple Pay
  • High SAR value
  • No 32 GB model
  • Delay for Apple Pay and WiFi voice calls/VoLTE in UK
  • Fragile
  • Jury out on battery life
  • Shorter battery life than rivals
  • The camera is protrudes through the back
  • Which makes it uneven when laid down on a table
  • The Apple price tag
  • Some users may prefer the 1080p screen on that features on the iPhone 6 plus
  • Screen prone to scratches

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  Published: 2014-09-21, Author: lienlienchou , review by:

  • Abstract:  因為我住在國外所以18號凌晨3點就看到大排長龍的果粉 繞著百貨公司排一圈等著早上搶購久違的iPhone6 但是我實在沒辦在低溫10度中排這麼長~ 又久~的隊伍 所以就放棄回家睡覺了 隔天下午一到百貨公司就看到一大堆果粉在排隊等著購買 本來想說也跟著排隊買 但是因為想要搶先購買就必須要一張小白卡才能入場購買(這是我第一次買蘋果的產品) 因此作罷 後來得知可以預留 所以當天回家刷電腦 很幸運的 刷到一台iphone6 6+全部售完! 今天早上很興奮的跑去apple store 領取 手機內容物: 耳...

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  Published: 2014-09-21, review by:

  • Abstract:  iPhone 6在9/19第一波國家正式上市了,其中包括蛋蛋平常就常會去訪的香港,因此蛋蛋這次也藉此把玩了一下iPhone 6跟6 Plus的實機,也了解到香港首賣後市場行情概況。簡單說,中國大陸這次沒有被排進第一波因此香港湧進大批黃牛搶購,加上香港本地也有不少的蘋果迷,讓香港的iPhone 6跟6 Plus炒到一個過去前所未見的爆發狀態,而接下來第二波的台灣也有可能會受影響,因為台灣平常就有不少陸客來訪,藉由來台灣玩順便買個iPhone 6回去脫手賺差價,可能對他們來說等於是免費機票+住宿的錢。有那麼誇...

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  Published: 2014-09-20, review by:

  • Abstract:  每逢新旗艦科技產品出爐,「維修」網站 iFixit 都會出動,除了試試這些新產品有幾易拆、易維修,亦順道為我們披露一下這些新機的硬件細節。至於最新推出、引來全城熱炒的 iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus 當然亦難逃被肢解的命運!而據 iFixit 方面表示,兩機的硬件十分相似,iPhone 6 大可視為 6 Plus 的細版,在硬件上主要有兩個主要分別:既然 iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus 在表現上一致,那 iPhone 6 Plus 上面的防震鏡頭、更大屏幕、以及更長效的使用時間...

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  Published: 2014-09-17, Author: Engadget , review by:

  • 今年的 iPhone 更新是首次帶多給 iPhone 買家一個選擇,選擇 iPhone 6 或 iPhone 6 Plus(當然在之前的更新,你都可以選擇買或不買)。但今次的選擇是在購買哪一個尺吋的 iPhone:較容易單手操控的 4.7 吋 iPhone 6?或是有更大螢幕、功能更強的 5.5 吋 iPhone 6 Plus? 今年的 iPhone 並不像從前的突破,更未算是完美。但 Apple 卻顯示了另一個令自己長期成功的要素:新鮮感。Apple 放棄了沿用之前的方正俐落設計,換上了更圓...

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  Published: 2014-09-11, review by:

  • Abstract:  iPhone 6發表了,蘋果迷全部都熱血起來了,這時候跟大家分享這個全新的配件正是時候。蘋果發表iPhone 5時,同時也發佈了全新的傳輸插頭lightning介面,體積比之前的30Pin插頭大幅縮減以外,它還有一個"正反通用"的插入方式,讓使用者就算在燈光不足的情況下也能輕鬆插入,這樣的設計比起android陣營普遍採用的micro USB的介面來的友善,對於長輩來說更是好上手 (有網友分享過長輩使用硬插micro USB反方向插壞)。今天要跟大家分享一個由亞果元素出品,蘋果官方認證Made for i...

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  Published: 2014-09-10, review by:

  • 這次的蘋果新品發表會不管是 iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus 與 Apple Pay 不管是硬體規格與內容都在意料之中,反而全場最大的亮點無預警出現的 Apple Watch,事先完全沒有徵兆也沒有洩露風聲,由這次產品所帶給全場與會者的震撼也是自賈伯斯過世後絕無僅有的,由此也可看出庫克所帶領的新蘋果團隊與賈伯斯時期的不同。尤其蘋果是智慧手機產業的龍頭,他投入行動支付與穿戴裝置的市場意義頗大,代表了「業者規範」就此底定,大家也有遵循的方向可以往前走下去。這樣的改變我個人給於相當大的肯定(除了感覺...

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  Published: 2014-09-10, Author: 歐帝斯 , review by:

  • Abstract:  蘋果在美國太平洋時區的9月9日早上10點(台灣時間9月10日凌晨1點),發表新一代的iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus與Apple Watch。如同先前的傳言,iPhone 6是4.7吋螢幕、iPhone 6 Plus是5.5吋螢幕,螢幕解析度也提升至1344 x 750與1920 x 1080,第一波將在9月19日上市,台灣預計在9月26日起開始預購,應該可算是第二波上市的地區。今晚最有爆點的應該就是Apple Watch了,首款穿戴式裝置一發表就驚豔全場,可惜要等到明年才上市。 蘋果...

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  Published: 2014-09-10, Author: Nanako0625 , review by:

  • Abstract:  蘋果這場iPhone 6的發表會之前,幾乎是每日好幾爆的不斷有消息流出,但所有問題都在今天揭曉,蘋果推出了4.7吋及5.5吋兩款新機,這部份是對了,只是型號大家沒猜對,最後是4.7吋的iPhone 6,以及5.5吋的iPhone 6 plus,而且有相當多令人讚賞的更新。 另外,今天發表會上另一個爆點,果然就是大家期盼已久的智慧錶,而且今天終於正式發表名稱,不是iWatch,而是Apple Watch。由於小編是從德國IFA那邊直接過來參加這場發表會的,對IFA那邊大家展出的各Android Wear智...

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  Published: 2014-09-10, review by:

  • Abstract:  iPhone 6終於正式發表了,不意外的跟之前外洩的模型機的圖沒有太大的差異,唯一只有細節上的處理無法相比,基本上就是林志潁當時手上拿的那樣子的外型,這次發表會保密最好的應該是one more thing的apple watch,不過最快要2015年1月才開賣,這次主要的焦點還是即將開賣的4.7吋的iPhone 6,以及5.5吋的iPhone 6 Plus。以下為模型機的拍攝搭配最新官網的規格說明,iPhone 6這次終於將螢幕加大到目前接近主流的4.7吋,解析度提升到1334 X 750,比iPhone...

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  Published: 2014-09-10, Author: 虎仔 , review by:

  • Abstract:  取代 iPhone 5 系列的新型號自然是 iPhone 6,Apple 突破了一直為人詬病的小螢幕,給予 iPhone 6 一枚 4.7 吋螢幕。究竟 iPhone 6 是旗艦機還是變成取代 iPhone 5c 的二線機?以下整合外國網站第一手圖片和影片,大家一起來看個仔細。 回歸元祖 iPhone 設計 iPhone 6 回歸元祖 iPhone 的圓渾機身設計風格,和大螢幕版 iPhone 6 Plus 一樣,放棄了 iPhone 5/5s 的硬派線條。全新的機身設計,玻璃邊位呈弧形順...

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