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Reviews of Apple iPhone X / 10 have collected 1178 expert reviews of the Apple iPhone X / 10 and the average rating is 87%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Apple iPhone X / 10.
Award: Highest Rated October 2017
October 2017
1178 Reviews
0 Reviews
87 0 100 1178

The editors liked

  • Display
  • Size
  • Build quality
  • Wireless charging
  • Face ID
  • Waterproof
  • Great cameras
  • Good fingerprint scanner
  • Premium build
  • Good in-hand feel
  • Taptic Engine
  • Amazing screen
  • Powerful chipset
  • Excellent camera
  • Gorgeous display
  • Stylish design
  • Great camera
  • One of the fastest phones around
  • Longlasting battery life
  • Excellent lowlight camera performance
  • New S Pen improvements
  • Great screen
  • Premium
  • Strong design
  • TrueDepth camera is powerful
  • Gorgeous screen - even with the notch
  • Versatile camera takes great photos
  • Slick OS runs beautifully on powerful hardware
  • Fantastic screen
  • Impressive audio
  • Impeccable performance
  • Attractive design & strong build
  • Great battery life
  • Stunning design
  • Top-tier specs
  • Desirable design
  • Face ID is ace
  • Excellent cameras
  • Face ID genuinely works
  • Powerful processor
  • Superb screen
  • Impressive camera
  • Excellent apps and features
  • Beautiful design
  • Lovely build quality
  • Amazing OLED screen
  • Jawdropping OLED screen
  • Unsurpassed speed
  • Top-tier camera
  • Innovative industrial design
  • Brilliant screen
  • Allscreen design
  • Good battery life
  • Water resistant
  • Setting it up is simple if you are changing from an existing iPhone that runs iOS 11 place your current handset near the new smartphone and the setup will automatically begin
  • The phone has a 5.8in display but thanks to the edgetoedge screen
  • The handset

The editors didn't like

  • This is an expensive phone
  • No headphones port
  • Cannot unlock the phone with gloves or within an armband case
  • Expensive
  • No removable battery
  • No memory expansion
  • Can't charge and listen to cabled headphones
  • Poor battery life
  • Slow charging
  • Face ID isn't as good as Touch ID
  • Astonishingly expensive
  • Notch isn't particularly attractive
  • UI changes are a little offputting
  • Very expensive
  • Little on offer to warrant an upgrade
  • The most expensive flagship phone around
  • Metal rim can scuff without case
  • Apps look odd without updates
  • FaceID isn't 100% accurate
  • Super expensive
  • No headphone jack
  • FaceID not perfect
  • High price
  • Average size battery
  • Water resistance could be better
  • So expensive
  • Side button controls annoy
  • Notch means some app quirks
  • Notch not great for video content
  • Many apps not optimised
  • The 'notch'
  • Pricey
  • Closing apps is fiddly
  • Screen ratio
  • Price
  • Awkward notch can break immersion
  • No headphone socket
  • No fingerprint scanner
  • Glass will break if dropped
  • No expandable storage or removable battery
  • No fast charger in the box
  • The notch
  • More expensive than any other smartphone on the market right now
  • There's no way of expanding the storage through a MicroSD card

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  Published: 2018-08-09, Author: 张伟松 , review by:

  • Abstract:  手机作为一款与我们每天最密切的电子产品,很多时候都是握在手里的,所以手机的材质、设计等对于手机的手感有着非常大的影响。而一款手机手感的好坏更是直接决定了手机最直接的使用体验。OPPO Find XOPPO Find X采用了双面玻璃设计,而且双面均为3D曲面玻璃,金属中框设计,两者的过渡非常自然。而且,OPPO Find X的正反两面无孔式设计,也是目前首创。OPPO Find X的屏占比达到了93.8%,非常震撼。OPPO Find X采用一块6.4英寸AMOLDE屏幕,19.5:9比例...

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  Published: 2018-08-06, Author: 张伟松 , review by:

  • Abstract:  全面屏是自手机从功能机转向智能机,也为手机拍照、解锁甚至最传统的打电话功能带来了很大的改变。手机解锁虽然是一个比较小的功能,但是却有一个非常有意思的发展过程,尤其是指纹在手机上的兴起,直至现在全面屏时代到来又为手机解锁带来新的改变。OPPO Find XOPPO FaceKey 3D结构光OPPO Find X的发布无疑有着非常重要的意义,它不仅仅是OPPO凝聚多年的心血之作,更是有着颠覆性的设计和满满黑科技。OPPO Find X搭载了OPPO FaceKey 3D结构光技术,不仅可以实...

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  Published: 2018-08-01, Author: 杨善舞 , review by:

  • Abstract:  2018上半年的所有旗舰已悉数登场。回顾近年来的安卓旗舰,不但续航变强,而且不少厂家都推出了新的快充技术。而此次对比的核心,就是要看看现在的旗舰,在续航和充电方面的现状。此次的参赛选手包括了OPPO Find X标准版、三星Galaxy S9+、小米8、一加6、坚果R1,而iPhone X和iPhone 8 Plus,在这里作为对比基准线出镜。影响手机续航的因素很多,但起决定性作用的主要是3个:电池容量、屏幕大小和材质、SoC与调教:参赛选手中,电池容量由高到低为OPPO Find X标准...

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  Published: 2018-07-24, Author: 蔡勤 , review by:

  • Abstract:  要说到手机带来的娱乐享受,除了高配置带来的流畅体验而外,对大家感官影响最大的一定是眼睛直接面对的屏幕,一块足够大,素质又足够好的屏幕,绝对能让大家感受到更棒的视觉体验,无论是玩游戏还是追剧看番,大屏都是一种用上了就很难再回得去的享受。而要做到在手机屏幕做得尽量大的同时还能够保持苗条的身材,全面屏的设计就是必不可少的了,毕竟照顾观看的同时,也不能忘记兼顾手感啊。OPPO Find XFind X多方优化之后93.8%超高屏占比的全视曲面屏同样保证了在156.7x74.2x9.6mm的机身之内...

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  Published: 2018-07-05, Author: 张伟松 , review by:

  • Abstract:  现在,拍照已经成为手机非常重要的一个功能,其重要性的提升带来的直接结果是拍照水平的直线上升。可以说,拍照是近两年手机进步最明显的功能之一。手机的特性使得其成为了随时随地记录身边的人、事最便捷的工具。很多人在选购手机时也将拍照作为一项很重要的参考。接下来,笔者就为大家推荐几款如今市面上拍照出色的手机,大家可以考虑一下。vivo NEXvivo NEX是目前vivo推出的最新旗舰产品,拥有震撼的91.24%屏占比,握在手里如同握着一块完整的玻璃。vivo NEX采用了升降式前置摄像头,后置采用索尼...

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  Published: 2018-06-29, Author: 张伟松 , review by:

  • 于发布,小米8外观上有着前代的影子,3D曲面玻璃机身保证了舒适的手感。但是,苹果式刘海也令其饱受诟病。但是不可否认的是,小米8依旧延续了小米性价比的路线,是目前价格最低的骁龙845手机。小米8采用了6.21英寸18.7:9的异性全面屏,2240*1080分辨率,屏占比达到86.68%,采用了三星的AMOLED屏幕。小米8背部采用四曲面设计,这种设计在小米前几代手机中已经出现,7系铝合金中框,整机比较圆润。小米8是全球首个搭载双频GPS的智能手机,支持使用1575.42MHz的L1频段和1176.45MHz...

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  Published: 2018-06-22, Author: 蔡勤 , review by:

  • Abstract:  虽然智能机时代手机确实给人们带来了更加丰富的体验,但偶尔,小编也会分外怀念当年功能机时代的场景,其中就包括了功能机时代手机形式的丰富多样,除了大类的直板、滑盖、翻盖而外,每一种形式里面都还会有各种细微的差别,当时每一款手机都是一眼可辨别。来到智能机时代之后,越是发展,这种可能性反而变得越来越微小,就在小编认为以后搞不好手机只能通过LOGO来判断手机厂家的时候,在高度趋同的全面屏时代,一些不甘于千篇一律的厂商反而是拿出了一些不一样的产品,让我们看到了一丝功能机时代盛景的影子。零界全面屏—vivo...

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  Published: 2018-06-06, Author: 田雨生 , review by:

  • 总得来说,两款手机的成像表现各有千秋,iPhone X表现稳定,没有过多的失误,依旧走的是还原真实,色彩冷淡的路线。反观一加6,在室外光线充足的情况下,色彩表现更加讨好眼球,而且在细节表现上十分出色的。而人像模式,由于美颜的加入,让一加6完胜iPhone X。一加6作为现如今的顶级旗舰手机,在各方面表现都可圈可点,在满足强悍性能的同时,也能够满足拍照爱好者的严苛要求,即使面对极限的场景,一加6也能应付自如。而且,全新升级的像素精选Pro和HDR+加持,让一加手机6的相机“按下快门就是一张好照片”。如果你要...

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  Published: 2018-06-04, Author: 小默叽 , review by:

  • 从测试的结果来看,搭载双核对焦的一加6在对焦速度上明显更有优势。对于这样的结果,我们并不意外,因为相较于iPhone X采用的FDAF相位对焦技术,一加6采用的双核对焦技术有更大的优势。相位对焦技术,也是目前中端以上智能手机的主流对焦技术。相位对焦通过在感光元件预留遮蔽像素点用于相位检测,减少了反差对焦时镜头反复移动的动作,对焦迅速。缺点是用于相位检测的遮蔽像素无法成像,造成低光环境下对焦能力较弱,同时成像画质也会有少许的损失。双核对焦技术,早前多为专业相机搭载的对焦技术,其将像素中的光电二极管一分为二,...

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  Published: 2018-06-02, Author: 方查理 , review by:

  • format/jpg/quality/90">两台小米的广角视野一致,和26mm等效焦距的S9接近,比iPhone(28mm)的视野稍大。眩光控制也没有大分别,在弱光下自动HDR会有副作用的问题也保留下来了。两台机器的白平衡和饱和度非常接近,安全快门依旧是1/13秒。主要变化是对比度提高了,但不放在一起对比很难察觉出来。另外,灯光和弱光场景的曝光压低和锐化力度都加重了,但程度也很轻微,这些变化最后让辨析力有了小幅提升(还真的是算法打磨),而两台小米的副摄差距就更小了。总体来说,现在的小米已经在辨析力上超...

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