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Reviews of HTC One M9 have collected 623 expert reviews of the HTC One M9 and the average rating is 80%. Scroll down and see all reviews for HTC One M9.
Award: Good Buy March 2015
March 2015
623 Reviews
24 Reviews
80 0 100 623

The editors liked

  • Premium design
  • Smooth performance
  • Improved camera
  • Great battery life
  • MicroSD slot
  • Great build quality
  • Sense 7 is perhaps the best Android overlay of them all
  • Powerful performance
  • Decent size and weight
  • SD-support
  • Excellent build / Attractive design
  • Overall responsiveness
  • Effective front UltraPixel camera
  • Useful features in Sense 7
  • Powerful speaker / Highquality headphone lineout
  • Classylooking and robust casing
  • Good sounding speakers
  • Sleek design
  • Cool theme generator
  • Improved sound
  • Brilliant design
  • Powerful innards
  • Build quality
  • BoomSound
  • Great user interface
  • Good front camera
  • Sharp screen
  • Well-judged colour balance
  • Enthusiastic audio performance
  • High-res audio support
  • Fast and responsive
  • Great
  • Customisable user interface
  • Nice build
  • The HTC One M9 inherits its predecessor's stunning metal design and strong speakers
  • And has a bright
  • Sharp display. It runs the latest version of Android
  • And the new Sense 7 software is simple
  • Responsive and highly customisable. It's one of the few fl
  • Premium metal design
  • Top-end performance
  • Android 5.0 Lollipop
  • Beautifully crafted and well-designed
  • Speedy processor
  • Sense Home works brilliantly
  • Great front-facing camera
  • Best speakers you can find on a phone
  • Beautiful design
  • Powerful
  • Slick interface
  • One of the classiest phones available
  • Loads of power
  • Very nice screen
  • The best front camera around
  • Rear camera takes great shots in the right circumstances
  • Likeable
  • Customisable UI
  • Boom Sound now comes with Dolby Audio
  • Incredibly premium looks
  • Themes
  • Sense 7 overlay is intuitive
  • Camera captures detailed images
  • Well built and scratch resistant coating works
  • User Interface is snappy and responsive
  • A top-tier Android phone
  • Two-toned metal design is stylish
  • Android 5.0 Lollipop looks great
  • Themes are a fun way to customize the UI
  • Sleek metallic good looks
  • Fine HD screen
  • Powerful processor
  • Decent camera
  • Expandable memory
  • Good battery life
  • Still the most beautiful phone in town
  • Allpowerful for apps and games
  • One of the best selfie cams around

The editors didn't like

  • No screen improvement
  •  HTC Sense 7.0 is too overbearing
  • Too similar to last year's model
  • As nice as the design is
  • We'd like to have seen more –– it feels very 2014 after seeing the Galaxy S6 EDGE
  • Display lags behind the competition
  • Camera needs work
  • Very high price point for what's on offer compared to Galaxy Note 4 and Google Nexus 6
  • Heats up often
  • Which can be frustrating
  • Camera pales in comparison to highend competition
  • Battery life
  • Positioning of side buttons
  • Mistyping and restricted handling
  • Weaker performance (not crippling but discernible)
  • What does it really add to a One
  • Inconsistent camera
  • Disappointing battery life
  • Battery isn't great
  • Camera rather average
  • A little on the pricey side
  • Poor early camera
  • Minimal evolution from M8
  • Feels a little incremental
  • Rear camera performance
  • In some areas there's no progression over the phone it replaces
  • Poor battery life
  • Camera struggles against competitors
  • Contrast could be better
  • Sound needs more refinement
  • The M9's camera quality and battery life don't measure up to its competitors. For better or worse
  • The phone feels like a rerun of last year's HTC One
  • Average battery life
  • Same screen as the One M8
  • Aesthetic changes not an improvement
  • Rear camera not as good as the competition
  • Some software niggles
  • Average camera
  • Not much has changed
  • Battery life could be better
  • Getting the best photos takes a bit of effort
  • Overheating issue
  • Camera usage in lowlight conditions dodgy
  • Water and dust proofing would be nice
  • Power/volume buttons awkward to press
  • Annoying bezel and ledge on the edges
  • Just an average camera
  • Not waterproof
  • Not cheap
  • Little reason to upgrade if you have M8
  • No truly unique selling point
  • 1080p display might soon be bettered

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  Published: 2015-05-29, Author: 笑谈君 , review by:

  • 外观用料(满分10分) 细节设计(满分10分) 屏幕(满分10分) 硬件性能(满分10分) 拍照性能(满分10分) 系统功能(满分10分) 综合满意度 编辑点评
  • 6分 6分 9分 9分 10分 8分 80%(★★★★) 优点:屏幕好,拍照提升巨大,功能丰富,双卡 缺点:材质和外观没有太大亮点
  • 定价4000元左右的LG G4和HTC M9,其性能相差令人出乎意料,我只能这样说,它们各自所侧重的点实在太不一样。HTC M9认为材料是一款手机吸引人的精髓所在,LG G4则认为功能更为重要,所以导致了两款手机在第一印象和真实性能上的差异。笔者用一个表格来总结这两款手机的优缺点。LG G4对比HTC M9优缺点总结手机型号LG G4HTC M9外观用料(满分10分)6分9分细节设计(满分10分)6分7分屏幕(满分10分)9分7分硬件性能(满分10分)9分8分拍照性能(满分10分)10分6分系统功能(满分...

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  Published: 2015-05-14, Author: 随心 , review by:

  • 毫无疑问,全金属机身依然是M9的最大卖点,全新的双色设计和蚕丝纹理都让该机看起来线条干练、质感十足。屏幕面板的“悬浮”设计也让之看起来更有层次感。配置方面,调教后的骁龙810较好的解决了先前发热量过大的问题,同时在2K屏充斥的如今理性的选择了1080P屏幕,两者双管齐下提升了续航表现。拍照方面,或许是工程机、也可能是首次尝试2000万像素镜头的缘故,在画面解析力、宽容度等方面还有提升的空间,不过其极快的对焦速度依然让人惊叹。这款售价4399元的手机目前在网上的售价已经降到3888元,越来越接近人们的心理价...

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  Published: 2015-05-07, Author: 手机中国 , review by:

  • Abstract:  【 手机 中国 评测】在今年的 MWC (移动世界大会)上, HTC 毫无意外的推出了年度旗舰产品—— HTC One M9 ,而该机目前已在国内市场上市发售。作为新HTC One系列 智能手机 ,HTC One M9 延续了HTC One家族的众多特色,比如金属机身、双前置扬声器等等。HTC One M9就外观设计来说,HTC One M9传承了HTC One家族的多项基因,相比前作HTC One M8 区别并不明显,尤其是机身正面的设计,相似度极高,比如它的机身“下巴”,如上图所示。事实上,早在新HT...

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  Published: 2015-05-07, Author: Sanji , review by:

  • 第一次用 QHD 屏幕、第一次为旗舰机配备联发科处理器、第一次把指纹辨识器放到正面、第一次喊出 China Sense、第一次让 Duo Camera 也能用上(相对)高像素... M9+ 代表着那么多个 HTC 的第一次,但老实讲,一周多用下来,笔者并没有那种新鲜、惊喜的感觉。依旧出色的外型、良好的手感、漂亮的屏幕再加上那些便于营销的字眼,凭借这些 M9+ 或许依然能吸引到一些人的目光,但那个曾经敢于创新并以此起死回生的 HTC,今年却只是为变而变,着实有点无趣。三年了,还等不来一个 HTC One 的...

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  Published: 2015-05-04, Author: 公斤 , review by:

  • Abstract:  HTC在2015年开端的新品节奏很紧凑,年初在MWC2015大会上向全球发布了重磅旗舰HTC One系列最新机型M9,其依然延续One系列精致工艺的特性,再一次把金属玩得不亦乐乎,首创一体化金属上边框和背面采用两种不同着色和纹理设计,实现在一块合金上打造出双色一体化的金属外壳,把金属工艺再向前推进。HTC在4月份的中国发布会上又推出了HTC One M9+和HTC One E9+两款新机型,为中国的特供机型,一时在国内把M9的风头抢过去了,同时M9的旗舰定位也被削弱了。HTC One M9国际版/联通4...

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  Published: 2015-05-04, Author: 纪伟 , review by:

  • 经过一段时间的使用,HTC One M9给笔者留下深刻印象的有以下几点:1.外观机身设计仍然是HTC One M9最大的亮点,也足以体现HTC是一家设计导向性功能。2.性能强大,并且也未出现之前网络上曝光的发热量巨大的现象,而由于采用了1080P屏幕,相比于时下的很多2K分辨率屏幕手机要更为省电。3.对焦速度极快,在日间光线强度不错的情况下基本上触控屏幕的同时就能够完成对焦。求团购123568个小朋友盼望团购...

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  Published: 2015-05-04, Author: 随心 , review by:

  • 从拿到手就心生感慨,机身设计依然是HTC的最大亮点,虽然M9+正面依然存有吐槽的地方,但一体化全金属机身设计所带来的质感是一般手机很难体会到的。同是全金属机身,有着侧边环绕式设计M8让人怀念,而有着双色设计和多种配色可选的M9+也让人心动,况且它的屏幕和分辨率都更为优秀。作为专为国人开发的旗舰机型,M9+配备了前置指纹识别模块,非按压设计,轻触即可解锁。实测速度比iPhone 6更快。但使用中也发现,这个指纹模块设计的略窄,手指需要安放到位才能更好的解锁,使用体验上有所折扣。拍照方面,双后置摄像头的回归带...

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  Published: 2015-04-29, Author: 腾讯数码 , review by:

  • 续航相比M8有小幅提升M9的电池容量为2840毫安时,相比去年的M8多了240毫安时。从日常的使用情况来看,M9比M8有了一定的进步,如果手机的使用频率不算高,比如你每天只打一个小时左右的电话、听一些音乐玩不长时间的游戏,聊聊微信拍拍照,那么M9基本上可以保证你早晨7点出门,晚上7点到家的时候,手机还有20%左右的电量,满打满算能连续使用15个小时。去年M8的续航只能达到12-13小时。一句话评价M9我在写稿之前,决定给自己一句话的机会,来直观的点评这部手机。我想了很久,于是脑海中出现了以下这句话:“M9...

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  Published: 2015-04-28, Author: PConline手机频道 , review by:

  • 在HTC为中国用户烹饪的这道上等好菜当中,我们看到了菜色的精致华丽,也品尝到触控式指纹、2K屏幕、双摄像头这些“食材”的新鲜,而China Sense UI,就像是调味料一样为这道菜加分。HTC凭借多年来扎根手机市场的过人“厨艺”,在拿捏有度的火候中摆出一道色香味俱全的中国菜,是能在血腥风雨的手机市场中脱颖而出的。HTC One M9+/M9 Plus 图片 评测 论坛 报价 网购实价但菜色是否讨得用户喜欢,除了关键的色香味之外,还得看着道菜贵不贵。所以光有讨好中国用户胃口的菜品还不够,食客还得考虑这家店...

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  Published: 2015-04-28, Author: 小E , review by:

  • 最终,HTC依然没有为One M9带来令人满意的拍照效果。虽然它的拍照效果不差,但对于一款旗舰手机来说,M9的表现还不够好,尤其是相比三星S6、苹果iPhone6等拥有明显进步的机型。所以,如果HTC真的想要振兴品牌,可能需要先从拍照技术下手。上一篇:LG G3体验测评:安卓5.0+2K屏+激光对焦下一篇:小宇宙X3评测:年轻人的千元神器?...

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