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Reviews of HTC One M9 have collected 623 expert reviews of the HTC One M9 and the average rating is 80%. Scroll down and see all reviews for HTC One M9.
Award: Good Buy March 2015
March 2015
623 Reviews
24 Reviews
80 0 100 623

The editors liked

  • Premium design
  • Smooth performance
  • Improved camera
  • Great battery life
  • MicroSD slot
  • Great build quality
  • Sense 7 is perhaps the best Android overlay of them all
  • Powerful performance
  • Decent size and weight
  • SD-support
  • Excellent build / Attractive design
  • Overall responsiveness
  • Effective front UltraPixel camera
  • Useful features in Sense 7
  • Powerful speaker / Highquality headphone lineout
  • Classylooking and robust casing
  • Good sounding speakers
  • Sleek design
  • Cool theme generator
  • Improved sound
  • Brilliant design
  • Powerful innards
  • Build quality
  • BoomSound
  • Great user interface
  • Good front camera
  • Sharp screen
  • Well-judged colour balance
  • Enthusiastic audio performance
  • High-res audio support
  • Fast and responsive
  • Great
  • Customisable user interface
  • Nice build
  • The HTC One M9 inherits its predecessor's stunning metal design and strong speakers
  • And has a bright
  • Sharp display. It runs the latest version of Android
  • And the new Sense 7 software is simple
  • Responsive and highly customisable. It's one of the few fl
  • Premium metal design
  • Top-end performance
  • Android 5.0 Lollipop
  • Beautifully crafted and well-designed
  • Speedy processor
  • Sense Home works brilliantly
  • Great front-facing camera
  • Best speakers you can find on a phone
  • Beautiful design
  • Powerful
  • Slick interface
  • One of the classiest phones available
  • Loads of power
  • Very nice screen
  • The best front camera around
  • Rear camera takes great shots in the right circumstances
  • Likeable
  • Customisable UI
  • Boom Sound now comes with Dolby Audio
  • Incredibly premium looks
  • Themes
  • Sense 7 overlay is intuitive
  • Camera captures detailed images
  • Well built and scratch resistant coating works
  • User Interface is snappy and responsive
  • A top-tier Android phone
  • Two-toned metal design is stylish
  • Android 5.0 Lollipop looks great
  • Themes are a fun way to customize the UI
  • Sleek metallic good looks
  • Fine HD screen
  • Powerful processor
  • Decent camera
  • Expandable memory
  • Good battery life
  • Still the most beautiful phone in town
  • Allpowerful for apps and games
  • One of the best selfie cams around

The editors didn't like

  • No screen improvement
  •  HTC Sense 7.0 is too overbearing
  • Too similar to last year's model
  • As nice as the design is
  • We'd like to have seen more –– it feels very 2014 after seeing the Galaxy S6 EDGE
  • Display lags behind the competition
  • Camera needs work
  • Very high price point for what's on offer compared to Galaxy Note 4 and Google Nexus 6
  • Heats up often
  • Which can be frustrating
  • Camera pales in comparison to highend competition
  • Battery life
  • Positioning of side buttons
  • Mistyping and restricted handling
  • Weaker performance (not crippling but discernible)
  • What does it really add to a One
  • Inconsistent camera
  • Disappointing battery life
  • Battery isn't great
  • Camera rather average
  • A little on the pricey side
  • Poor early camera
  • Minimal evolution from M8
  • Feels a little incremental
  • Rear camera performance
  • In some areas there's no progression over the phone it replaces
  • Poor battery life
  • Camera struggles against competitors
  • Contrast could be better
  • Sound needs more refinement
  • The M9's camera quality and battery life don't measure up to its competitors. For better or worse
  • The phone feels like a rerun of last year's HTC One
  • Average battery life
  • Same screen as the One M8
  • Aesthetic changes not an improvement
  • Rear camera not as good as the competition
  • Some software niggles
  • Average camera
  • Not much has changed
  • Battery life could be better
  • Getting the best photos takes a bit of effort
  • Overheating issue
  • Camera usage in lowlight conditions dodgy
  • Water and dust proofing would be nice
  • Power/volume buttons awkward to press
  • Annoying bezel and ledge on the edges
  • Just an average camera
  • Not waterproof
  • Not cheap
  • Little reason to upgrade if you have M8
  • No truly unique selling point
  • 1080p display might soon be bettered

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  Published: 2015-03-26, Author: 洪免 , review by:

  • Abstract:  在 MWC 之後,2015 年的旗艦手機之戰開啟了序幕,第一波戰役由 HTC One(M9)和三星 Galaxy S6 主導;這兩款新旗艦除了升級的處理器之外,相機規格同樣也是一大亮點,T 客邦將這兩款手機拿來和 iPhone 6 一起比比看,到底哪一款手機的拍照效果比較符合你的需求呢?HTC One(M9)和上一代旗艦機在相機配置大不相同,上一代的 M8 採用 UltraPixel 後置相機,M9 則是將 UltraPixel 相機改為前鏡頭用,主鏡頭的地方以 2,000 萬像素藍寶石塗層鏡頭取代(f/...

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  Published: 2015-03-24, Author: 丹尼爾 , review by:

  • Abstract:  M9、G Flex 2、S6 三強旗艦 螢幕、喇叭、效能比較 畢竟大家使用智慧型手機不是只有拍照而已,既然挑選旗艦機,看重的就是他們全方面到位的配置。因此,看完 HTC M9、LG G Flex 2、Samsung S6 這三款 2015 年初 三強旗艦的相機夜拍比較 之後,接著我們要帶大家來看更多不同的比較,這回所要探究的則是這三大旗艦的「螢幕」、「喇叭」,還有「效能」比較測試。 HTC M9 機身為 144.3 x 69.7 x 9.6 mm / 157g,雖然相對重,但金屬機身質感非常棒;而...

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  Published: 2015-03-24, Author: 3C , review by:

  • Abstract:  先前即傳出高通驍龍 S810 手機處理器有過熱問題,而後搭載其處理器的 HTC One M9 新手機,便在國外網站的溫度測試出現了超高溫的驚人結果,不過在廠商的努力調整下,現在實際出貨版本的測試則有了很大的改變,而最新的測試報告也出爐了!HTC One M9 先前的溫度測試出現了超高溫的結果。(圖片來源/Tweakers)日前國外科技網站 tweakers 對 iPhone 6 Plus 、 HTC One M9 、 HTC One M8 、 LG G3 以及 GALAXY Note 4 進行溫度...

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  Published: 2015-03-23, review by:

  • Abstract:  HTC One M9終於順利的在3/21正式開賣了,雖然比原先預訂的日子晚幾天,但是還好也沒拖太久,搶到了2015年度首支正式鋪貨的一線旗艦手機。蛋蛋也在第一時間順利入手,希望可以再深入的把玩,感受HTC One M9的進化以及魅力。HTC新手機通常都會附多一層保護膜,上面強調M9的幾個主要特色,像是新版Sense介面,2千萬畫素主相機,前鏡頭是HTC獨自開發的UltraPixel相機,還有就是BoomSound前置立體聲雙喇叭保護膜背後有貼心的教學,如何將記憶卡槽跟nano SIM卡取出隨附的配件有充電...

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  Published: 2015-03-21, review by:

  • Abstract:  如果之前有登記預購的話, HTC One M9 今天開始將會陸續送到大家手中,想必很多人已經迫不及待的想要知道 M9 的各方面表現吧!我們已經如火如荼的展開測試,會用最快的速度為大家介紹 M9 的各種特色,不過在此之前我們先做了手機的性能跑分測試,包括CPU、記憶體、多工、存取速度、電池等項目,讓大家一睹為快囉!由於 M9 的 CPU 為 64 位元,如果從 Google Play 上下載安兔兔的話,打開 App 之後需重新執行程式才能下載到支援 64位元 CPU 版本的安兔兔。※ 每台手機跑分皆會有差異...

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  Published: 2015-03-17, Author: 陳宜豐 , review by:

  • Abstract:  針對稍早國外媒體作出 HTC 新款旗艦機 M9 測試過程過熱的報導( 無法出貨可能原因:HTC One M9 疑似出現過熱問題 ), HTC 在剛剛做出了官方的正式回應,表示該網站所測試的手機並非正式量產上市的版本,HTC 將會虛心納入參考,以確保消費者買到的是最好的手機體驗,以下是 HTC 官方回應的全文。“HTC 表示:HTC 身為全球智慧型手機創新領導者,產品上市前皆經過長期測試,提供消費者最優質的使用經驗。此次該網站使用未上市產品的測試結果,我們將虛心納入參考,以確保消費者獲得最佳的智慧型...

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  Published: 2015-03-03, review by:

  • Abstract:  究竟此金屬機身可否再一次打動用家的芳心?即睇 HTC One M9 的現場實機照啦!HTC One 每一代都會伴隨一個全新版本的 Sense 介面,最新的 HTC One M9 當然也不例外、搭載了最新的 Sense 7.0 系統。對比在 M8 的上一代的 Sense,Sense 7 系統的主要介面操作、設計大致一樣,可見 HTC 已在這方面逐漸定型。然而,操作定型並不代表用家就需要定性,在 Sense 7 當中,最為重點的更新就是加入大量個人化的選項、功能,讓用家可以擁有一部完全符合個人風格的手機!如何...

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  Published: 2015-03-02, Author: 癮科技 , review by:

  • Abstract:  在 HTC 發表會前夕, HTC 已經提供歐洲版的 One (M9) 工程機進行試用,雖然 M9 在整體設計理念仍傳承自 M8 的經典金屬以及圓弧元素,但以洗鍊的造型與工藝重新詮釋 One 系列的進化。M9 仍然採用自 M7 一脈相傳的金屬一體式機身,也延續了將天線透過隔離塗層融入金屬背蓋的設計;不過不同於 M8 與 M7 的設計, M9 在機身採用二重鍍膜工法營造強烈的材質反差,同時在正面使用一塊將螢幕包覆的複合材質上蓋施加類金屬塗裝,使機身呈現複雜的層次感。機背與側面雖同樣施加髮絲紋路,但不僅紋路的風...

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  Published: 2015-03-01, Author: Chia-Wei , review by:

  • Abstract:  HTC 在這一次 MWC 2015 發表了旗艦款式 HTC One M9,它搭載了強大的規格,包括 Qualcomm S810 八核心處理器、3GB RAM、2000 萬畫素主相機以及 400 萬 Ultrepixel 前置相機,並採用最新的 Sense 7 介面。不過大家可能也很想知道,它與 HTC 上一代旗艦 M8 有什麼樣的差別呢?除了規格不同外,它們之間在外觀以及一些細節上也很不相同喔。就讓小編帶大家一起來看看。 HTC One 三款機種相見歡:左起 M7、M8、M9。 HTC One...

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  Published: 2015-03-01, review by:

  • Abstract:  萬人矚目,HTC One全新年度旗艦機終於誕生了,蛋蛋有幸第一手快速把玩了一下,簡單的跟大家分享動手玩的心得。這次HTC One M9推出4個顏色,金,銀,鐵灰,粉紅,正面外觀的變化不大,從正面第一眼要認出HTC One M9跟M8的差異坦白說,不容易。但是實際上HTC One M9在看不到的地方又再上一層樓,像是本來就廣受好評的HTC BoomSound首次搭載Dolby杜比音效(以下照片為縮圖,大家可以點圖片查看原圖檔大小)這次HTC One M9有一點非常值得肯定的是在內嵌式按鍵終於做了大幅度的自由...

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