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Reviews of Samsung SM-G960 Galaxy S9 have collected 711 expert reviews of the Samsung SM-G960 Galaxy S9 and the average rating is 86%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Samsung SM-G960 Galaxy S9.
Award: Editor’s Choice March 2018
March 2018
711 Reviews
1428 Reviews
86 0 100 711

The editors liked

  • Brilliant display
  • Stereo sound is surprisingly powerful
  • Curved glass and metal is very attractive
  • Comfortable to use
  • Super speedy and fluid performance
  • Now
  • If for whatever reason face unlock doesn't work
  • The S9 then automatically gives your irises a go
  • Before letting you into your phone. Over the better part of a week and half
  • I never had any real troubles with it
  • Though it still isn't quite as smoo
  • Impressive camera
  • Better-placed fingerprint sensor
  • Swift biometric security
  • Awesome low-light performance
  • The most powerful Android phone out
  • Excellent low-light camera
  • The fastest Android smartphone yet
  • The Galaxy S9 once again proves Samsung's formula of a gorgeous 5.8-inch screen
  • Sexy dual-curved design and terrific camera for well-lit shots can't go wrong. Whiplash-fast speeds
  • Strong battery life
  • Wireless charging and water-resistance complete the
  • Fantastic display
  • Feels great
  • Much improved speakers
  • Great design
  • Fantastic screen
  • Powerful internals
  • Parempi biometrinen tunnistus
  • Hyvä kuvanlaatu hämärissä kuvausoloissa
  • Tehokkain Android-puhelin (lukuun ottamatta S9 Plussaa)
  • Brilliant screen
  • Very powerful
  • Good camera
  • Wireless charging and water resistance complete the package. And it looks
  • The fastest Android phone we've ever seen
  • Amazing lowlight camera
  • Slick features
  • Refined
  • Stylish design with gorgeous curved screen
  • Improved low-light camera
  • Excellent slo-mo video
  • All the features you'd want in a flagship
  • Superb screen for video
  • Powerful performance
  • Dual-aperture camera is effective
  • Well built
  • 12MP rear camera with dual-aperture technology
  • Still fabulous Super AMOLED 18.5
  • 9 QHD+ screen
  • AR Emoji
  • While not perfect
  • Are lots of fun
  • Good lowlight photography
  • Crisp and detailed screen
  • Slick design
  • Excellent display
  • Great 5.8-inch size
  • Good speakers
  • Strong performance
  • Stunning low-light camera
  • The camera takes great quality shots
  • Even in low light and is also capable of capturing superslowmo and ultra HD video
  • You can make AR Emoji on the camera
  • These are animated caricatures of your face that can be used as stickers
  • Gifs or video clips
  • Wa

The editors didn't like

  • Battery isn't great
  • Camera over-exposes highlights regularly
  • AR Emoji and Bixby need a lot of improving
  • Expensive
  • Not all that different to S8
  • AR Emoji a little limited
  • Design is identical to S8
  • Some camera snaps lack vibrancy
  • Slightly worse battery life
  • More expensive than Galaxy S8
  • Low-light photos often look blurry and lack the fine texture and contrast of competing phone cameras. The Galaxy S9's camera frequently
  • Accidentally switches between modes. 3D avatar software is tragically bad and a new face-unlock tool is inherently ins
  • Average battery life
  • Dual-sensor only on Plus model
  • Some lag with Samsung's software
  • Lacks the second camera of the S9 Plus
  • Muotoilu on identtinen S8
  • An kanssa
  • Jotkin kuvat kaipaavat lisää eloisuutta
  • Kallis
  • Overly familiar
  • Disappointing battery
  • Accidentally switches between modes. 3D avatar software is tragically bad
  • And a new face-unlock tool is inherently in
  • Doesn't do enough to better last year's Galaxy S8
  • Improved camera still can't quite beat the best
  • Hard to tell the S9 apart from the S8
  • Fingerprint sensor still a bit close to the camera
  • Audio still lacks the last word in timing
  • Similar specs to the Galaxy S8
  • No improvement in battery life
  • Bixby is still not very useful
  • Intelligent scan has high failure rate
  • Battery life is lower than competition
  • Slow Android updates
  • Camera not as versatile as S9 Plus
  • You'll need to fork out £130 more to get a depth of field function on the camera that blurs the background and keeps the subject in focus
  • It's very expensive
  • The battery life is disappointing compared to the Samsung Galaxy S8

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  Published: 2018-07-13, Author: 王祎然 , review by:

  • 于回归到诺基亚手机中。今年的旗舰评测我们再也不能说诺基亚 8 sirocco采用当今最强的高通骁龙835处理器了,因为采用845的手机已经上市了,虽然835芯片属于老旗舰,但放到2018年依旧可以征战,配置上6+128的内存相当厚道,更厚道的是其存储为UFS 2.1。...

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  Published: 2018-07-03, Author: 刘海波 , review by:

  • Abstract:  【IT168 评测】说起安卓手机阵营,三星的品牌影响力在世界上还是非常大的,每年旗下发布的S系列和Note系列不仅仅在使用了目前的旗舰配置,使用了全视曲面屏的设计,玻璃材质的机身以及多种配色,旗舰配置和出色的设计让三星的S系列产品成为了当之无愧的安卓机皇。三星Galaxy S9+在GSMA全球移动大奖颁奖典礼上被评选为“最佳新款联网设备(Best New Connected Device)。此外,三星Galaxy S9+在MWC 2018大会上发布之后已经收到了超过30项奖项。这些都足以证明三星这款产品的...

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  Published: 2018-06-16, Author: 张浩 , review by:

  • Abstract:  【 手机 中国评测】转眼北京的盛夏又到来了,高考也终于落下了帷幕。全国各地的毕业生们迎来了期待已久的暑假,毕竟辛苦了这么久,犒劳自己一下总是没错的。对于学生们来说,毕业换手机已经成为了一个不可言说的传统,毕竟在成绩出来后可能有人的换机计划就要被搁置了。所以说,在开学季之前,赶快来看看这篇最火爆的购机指南,相信你一定会找到属于你的爱机!“9”还是勃艮第最香作为国际大厂的 三星 ,S系列旗舰主打的是年轻时尚群体,款款惊艳的配色更是让粉丝们难以割舍。第一次听到“勃艮第红”或许都会感到陌生,不过勃艮第红葡...

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  Published: 2018-06-15, Author: 蔡勤 , review by:

  • Abstract:  以前有人说,中国人擅长于把任何节日都过程情人节,其实除了献给情人的情人节而外,咱们不还经常把各种节日都给过成购物节吗,平时吃不着鸡就算了,端午节难道还不能吃只好看点的“机”慰劳一下自己吗。OPPO R15幻色粉在手机领域,OPPO绝对称得上是色彩大师了,总是能搭配出各种漂亮的手机配色,以前就曾推出过红蓝碰撞的巴萨限量版。而来到今年,简便玻璃这一特性的加入似乎让OPPO的创作欲望也高涨了起来,连续推出了好几款非常漂亮配色的手机,今天推荐的就是其中刚发布的OPPO R15幻色粉。全新的幻色...

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  Published: 2018-06-05, Author: 陈思学 , review by:

  • Abstract:  【 手机 中国评测】已经到了6月初,相信各位都在期待今年的618购物节。而我们在购买3C产品,尤其是手机类产品时,往往更喜欢在京东商城购买,毕竟速度更快的快递以及更完善的售后服务,都是京东一贯以来的优势。今年京东在618购物狂欢节中也会为我们带来不少给力的活动,如果你想购买一款新手机,那不妨多关注一下京东618狂欢节的优惠信息。对于喜欢旗舰机的用户来说, 三星 的S系列手机一直是他们最喜欢的产品之一。这一系列产品不但拥有高颜值的外观设计,还拥有足够出色的硬件性能,非常值得购买。今年三星更是为最新的...

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  Published: 2018-05-21, Author: 方查理 , review by:

  • 成像上,一加6的第一个变化是广角变大了,从以前接近等效27-28mm,变成了等效24mm左右,比S9+还大(一加5T EXIF信息中的等效焦距信息有误,实际成像视野和iPhone X接近)。好处是视野更大了,坏处是单位景物能分到的像素下降。其余条件恒定时,辨析力会因此打折扣。作为补偿,一加6加大了锐化力度。好消息是,一加6的白天辨析力没有大变化,但坏消息是,他们的辨析力和1200万像素的顶级旗舰拉不开距离… 而一加6和顶级旗舰的差距来源,主要是测光偏暗和HDR/多帧合成的宽容度。在日光下差距不大,但在部分...

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  Published: 2018-05-07, Author: 王祎然 , review by:

  • 引领着手机拍摄的发展,走在行业前端。三星最新推出的旗舰手机Galaxy S9|S9+,拍照是其升级最大的地方,不仅达到了F1.5超大光圈,并且带来一秒定格960帧的凝时拍摄。除此之外在相机方面还支持动态萌拍、与三星Bixby深度集成,带来全新的、多元化的拍摄体验。春光满园 细嗅芬芳可变光圈是之前专业相机上才具有的功能,而三星却率先将它应用在了手机上。智能可变光圈让Galaxy S9能够在F1.5和F2.4两档光圈之间切换。这取决于不同的场景,在光线比较暗的环境中,它能带来更好的拍摄效果,在光线充足的情况下...

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  Published: 2018-04-28, Author: 张伟松 , review by:

  • Abstract:  如今,玩游戏已经成为很多人使用手机的一个非常重要的功能,也是人们消磨时间的一个非常不错的方式。尤其是近两年,手游的兴起带来了巨大的市场空间,游戏厂商、手机厂商纷纷将苗头瞄准了这一市场。有的与游戏厂商合作,有的则是推出专门的游戏手机,有的则是凭借出色的性能来通吃市面上的大小游戏。OPPO R15OPPO R15采用了全面屏设计,屏占比达到90%,玩游戏时拥有非常出色的视野。同时,OPPO R15还与腾讯合作,对于多款游戏在OPPO R15上进行了优化,无论是王者还是“吃鸡”,都能毫无压力非常流畅...

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  Published: 2018-04-26, Author: 奎托斯 , review by:

  • Abstract:  【PConline 视频】 转眼间已到4月,虽然北方大地还是如沐春风,但广州的小伙伴却如同进入“初夏”。那么想知道这个夏天怎么玩转朋友圈?来,用这台旗舰手机就可以了!炎炎夏日,当然离不开玩水了!但怎么玩才能获得高逼格?跳水当然是最炫酷的,但利用日常的这些小细节,也能在朋友圈获得不少赞!当你从世界匆匆路过,可曾发现身边景色的美妙瞬间。即使是看似平淡无奇的景色,只要慢下来仔细体会,就会感受到其中的动人之处。三星Galaxy S9/S9+搭载的凝时拍摄功能,让你发现慢下来的美丽。三星S9 凝...

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  Published: 2018-04-23, Author: 王祎然 , review by:

  • Abstract:  近年来,越来越多专业摄影师爱上用手机创作,除了比传统相机更便携、抓拍更方便之外,手机摄影画质及功能的长足进步也是关键。事实上不仅是摄影师,甚至知名导演也开始尝试用手机进行创作,春节前由大导演陈可辛用iPhone X创作的《三分钟》小电影便引来众多围观热议。近日,华为也力邀著名导演、艺术家王潮歌出任4月12日华为P20系列中国发布会的艺术总指导,科技与艺术的跨界能碰撞出怎样的火花引人遐想。最近看了一些旗舰手机的拍照,比如华为P20、三星S9、vivo21等等,惊叹于曝光的准确,和自动脸部对焦的快...

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