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Reviews of Samsung SM-G960 Galaxy S9 have collected 711 expert reviews of the Samsung SM-G960 Galaxy S9 and the average rating is 86%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Samsung SM-G960 Galaxy S9.
Award: Editor’s Choice March 2018
March 2018
711 Reviews
1433 Reviews
86 0 100 711

The editors liked

  • Brilliant display
  • Stereo sound is surprisingly powerful
  • Curved glass and metal is very attractive
  • Comfortable to use
  • Super speedy and fluid performance
  • Now
  • If for whatever reason face unlock doesn't work
  • The S9 then automatically gives your irises a go
  • Before letting you into your phone. Over the better part of a week and half
  • I never had any real troubles with it
  • Though it still isn't quite as smoo
  • Impressive camera
  • Better-placed fingerprint sensor
  • Swift biometric security
  • Awesome low-light performance
  • The most powerful Android phone out
  • Excellent low-light camera
  • The fastest Android smartphone yet
  • The Galaxy S9 once again proves Samsung's formula of a gorgeous 5.8-inch screen
  • Sexy dual-curved design and terrific camera for well-lit shots can't go wrong. Whiplash-fast speeds
  • Strong battery life
  • Wireless charging and water-resistance complete the
  • Fantastic display
  • Feels great
  • Much improved speakers
  • Great design
  • Fantastic screen
  • Powerful internals
  • Parempi biometrinen tunnistus
  • Hyvä kuvanlaatu hämärissä kuvausoloissa
  • Tehokkain Android-puhelin (lukuun ottamatta S9 Plussaa)
  • Brilliant screen
  • Very powerful
  • Good camera
  • Wireless charging and water resistance complete the package. And it looks
  • The fastest Android phone we've ever seen
  • Amazing lowlight camera
  • Slick features
  • Refined
  • Stylish design with gorgeous curved screen
  • Improved low-light camera
  • Excellent slo-mo video
  • All the features you'd want in a flagship
  • Superb screen for video
  • Powerful performance
  • Dual-aperture camera is effective
  • Well built
  • 12MP rear camera with dual-aperture technology
  • Still fabulous Super AMOLED 18.5
  • 9 QHD+ screen
  • AR Emoji
  • While not perfect
  • Are lots of fun
  • Good lowlight photography
  • Crisp and detailed screen
  • Slick design
  • Excellent display
  • Great 5.8-inch size
  • Good speakers
  • Strong performance
  • Stunning low-light camera
  • The camera takes great quality shots
  • Even in low light and is also capable of capturing superslowmo and ultra HD video
  • You can make AR Emoji on the camera
  • These are animated caricatures of your face that can be used as stickers
  • Gifs or video clips
  • Wa

The editors didn't like

  • Battery isn't great
  • Camera over-exposes highlights regularly
  • AR Emoji and Bixby need a lot of improving
  • Expensive
  • Not all that different to S8
  • AR Emoji a little limited
  • Design is identical to S8
  • Some camera snaps lack vibrancy
  • Slightly worse battery life
  • More expensive than Galaxy S8
  • Low-light photos often look blurry and lack the fine texture and contrast of competing phone cameras. The Galaxy S9's camera frequently
  • Accidentally switches between modes. 3D avatar software is tragically bad and a new face-unlock tool is inherently ins
  • Average battery life
  • Dual-sensor only on Plus model
  • Some lag with Samsung's software
  • Lacks the second camera of the S9 Plus
  • Muotoilu on identtinen S8
  • An kanssa
  • Jotkin kuvat kaipaavat lisää eloisuutta
  • Kallis
  • Overly familiar
  • Disappointing battery
  • Accidentally switches between modes. 3D avatar software is tragically bad
  • And a new face-unlock tool is inherently in
  • Doesn't do enough to better last year's Galaxy S8
  • Improved camera still can't quite beat the best
  • Hard to tell the S9 apart from the S8
  • Fingerprint sensor still a bit close to the camera
  • Audio still lacks the last word in timing
  • Similar specs to the Galaxy S8
  • No improvement in battery life
  • Bixby is still not very useful
  • Intelligent scan has high failure rate
  • Battery life is lower than competition
  • Slow Android updates
  • Camera not as versatile as S9 Plus
  • You'll need to fork out £130 more to get a depth of field function on the camera that blurs the background and keeps the subject in focus
  • It's very expensive
  • The battery life is disappointing compared to the Samsung Galaxy S8

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  Published: 2018-07-23, review by:

  • Abstract:  在智慧型手機圈中,最好用的手機是以什麼標準判斷的?它是從實用角度判斷,還是從工藝耐用角度判斷?它是具有高素質螢幕、頂級核心處理器、優秀且穩定的拍照實力、流暢的操縱系統的旗艦手機嗎?對於這一問題,不同用戶有不同的判斷標準,而作為手機圈的評測機構,多是從核心軟硬體的評測,綜合表現能力,系統穩定等角度選擇最好用的旗艦手機。國外智慧型手機評測機構TechRadar,通過精心篩選,最終在全球範圍內確定了15款智慧型手機,而國產手機有6款手機入選,成為智慧型手機圈的重要生力軍。需要聲明的是,在美國手機...

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  Published: 2018-06-20, review by:

  • Abstract:  每年大家都聽到很多號稱要秒殺iPhone的安卓手機廠商,然而只有兩款產品被冠上「安卓機皇」美譽。但在老大三星 S9+ 的光環下,老弟 S9 就顯得沒那麼搶眼。但相差不大的配置和更加低廉的價格,也能吸引一波支持者。那麼三星 S9 的內部做工到底如何,裡面有沒有包含什麼黑科技?今天我們一起來看看. 今天拆機的為高通 845 版本,另外還有獵戶座 SOC 版本的。先請出「大黑棒」熱風槍為後蓋四周進行加熱。藉助吸盤和撬棒慢慢地拆卸後蓋,另外需要注意的是後置指紋模組的排線非常短,拆卸後蓋時...

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  Published: 2018-06-18, Author: Martin , review by:

  • Abstract:  這幾個月剛好是旗艦機爆發的高峰期,不僅年初的機種,早些時候也有終於盼到的 HTC U12+、華碩 ZenFone 5Z,以及近期的 SONY XZ2 Premium、小米 8、月底還有 LG G7+ ThinQ,光想到就讓小編相當興奮啊。最近小編也正好趁著生日的期間,到京都、大阪玩了一趟,也順勢把手邊有的機型帶著一起拍一拍(結果出遊還是離不開工作 ),來看一下各家廠商的產品標竿,會以怎麼樣的面貌詮釋京阪之美。 這邊除了挑了剛上市沒多久的 U12+、還有前代的 U11+,也有年初比較受矚目的 S9+、...

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  Published: 2018-06-12, review by:

  • Abstract:  本月袁隆平所率領的海水稻團隊,在杜拜沙漠成功種植我國自研的雜交海水稻,海水稻畝產超500公斤近日袁隆平院士表示,未來將在全國六個省市測試海水稻,並在2020年大面積推廣種植。現階段,全國有2億畝鹽鹼地具備種植海水稻的條件,袁隆平院士希望未來三年能在全國進行一億畝雜交海水稻的種植如果按照畝產最低300公斤來計算,每年可以增產糧食300億公斤,這個數字相當於湖南省全年的產糧量。這真是厲害了,我的國!改善這種局面需要自主存儲企業崛起,現在紫光帶來了好消息據TMHW(愛板網)報導,紫光和杭...

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  Published: 2018-06-05, review by:

  • Abstract:  需要安裝我們送的APP(安全),實現11種主題可自由切換,智能合蓋休眠,翻蓋喚醒,來電顯示、QQ、微信消息提醒,未接電話、未讀簡訊提醒等功能材質一樣,功能不一樣,需要翻蓋操作。愛護手機,不止一面,有我一身保護,何懼頻繁使用。美輪美奐,五色可選,絢麗多彩,總有適合你的那一款。為手感而生,舒適細膩毛絨材質,更勝原機手感。輕薄似裸機,一步步改良,讓手機殼更輕薄。個性的外表註定讓你的手機不一樣。3D立體浮雕,色彩斑斕簡約時尚,潮流圖案·匠心工藝。精緻浮雕,享受不一樣的細膩手感。...

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  Published: 2018-06-05, review by:

  • Abstract:  已經到了6月初,相信各位都在期待今年的618購物節。而我們在購買3C產品,尤其是手機類產品時,往往更喜歡在京東商城購買,畢竟速度更快的快遞以及更完善的售後服務,都是京東一貫以來的優勢。今年京東在618全球年中購物節也會為我們帶來不少給力的活動,如果你想購買一款新手機,不妨也多關注一下京東618狂歡節的優惠信息。對於喜歡旗艦機的用戶來說,三星的S系列手機一直是他們最喜歡的產品之一。這一系列產品不但擁有高顏值的外觀設計,還擁有足夠出色的硬體性能。今年三星更是為最新的三星S9打造了讓人眼前一亮的勃艮第紅...

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  Published: 2018-05-22, review by:

  • Abstract:  今年華為發布的中端機榮耀10也搭載了麒麟970處理器,那麼與今年年初發布的三星S9搭載的是驍龍845處理器,那麼這兩款手機來一場運行速度測試,來看看到底誰更快?一起來看看老外的運行速度測試吧。第一輪是打開谷歌應用商店,在這輪比拼當中可以看到華為榮耀10打開的速度要更快一些,迅速加載完了應用商店裡的圖片,而此時的三星S9還白屏。第二輪打開國外購物商城,而這一次三星S9在加載速度上要更快點,大約領先了2秒左右,已經進入登錄介面,而此時的華為榮耀10連介面都看不到。第三輪是打開社交軟體,這一次兩款軟...

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  Published: 2018-05-21, review by:

  • 這次 SolidSuit 在原本 Mod 的基礎下,透過固定式的背殼,又玩出了更多材質的可能,搭配擴充鏡頭也更穩固,整體帶給人不同於以往防摔殼的印象,不僅進一步揉合了奢華的元素在其中,還能提供外接廣角鏡頭的實用性。重點是對於各 iPhone 機種甚至包括 Galaxy S9+ 也都能夠用到。再加上犀牛盾透過 ShockSpread 材質所帶來的防摔性能,在保護性以及外觀的吸睛程度方面都提供了很好的平衡,相當推薦最近有考慮購入保護殼來搭配使用的朋友。何處買?看了開箱想要馬上入手 SolidSuit 的話,我...

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  Published: 2018-05-05, Author: Dustin , review by:

  • 這年頭會拍照的手機特別多,重點是誰能夠一機搞定所有拍攝場景,又能夠兼顧日常手機使用需求呢?我們推薦的是IP68防塵防水、F1.5/F2.4雙光圈雙鏡頭、960fps超慢動作攝影… 等功能,讓玩家們夜拍、水中拍攝、超慢動作動態錄影等場景都能完美駕馭。加上虹膜辨識、臉部辨識、指紋辨識,無線充電、QC2.0快充、虛擬人偶、Bixby語音助理… 等功能,Samsung Galaxy S9+是一款攝影愛好玩家的拍照神器。延伸閱讀夜拍超強的安卓機皇 三星Samsung Galaxy S9+動手玩星戰宇宙最痞的英雄《星...

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  Published: 2018-04-17, Author: 洪詩詩 , review by:

  • Abstract:  今年上半年的旗艦機陸續到齊,三星和 Sony 在 MWC 展前推出 Galaxy S9+ 和 Xperia XZ2 兩款代表旗艦,華為也在三月底於法國推出了 HUAWEI P20 Pro 三鏡頭手機,三款手機今年都在夜拍功能上大加著墨,因此我們拍了幾個不同的低光源 / 夜拍場景來看一下這三款手機的夜拍功能。這次我們拿來測試的三款旗艦機非常有趣,各自用了不同的方式來讓夜拍效果提升,三星在 Galaxy S9+ 上加入雙光圈功能,主鏡頭可自動或手動切換 F1.5 和 F2.4 雙光圈,夜拍或低光源時利用...

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