Testseek.co.uk have collected 11 expert reviews of the McAfee Internet Security 2014 and the average rating is 68%. Scroll down and see all reviews for McAfee Internet Security 2014.
11 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
With its smart firewall, effective malware blocking, and accurate spam filter, McAfee Internet Security 2014 can be a good security suite choice. Just don't rely on it for parental control....
Published: 2013-09-25, Author: Neil , review by: pcmag.com
CleanBoot rescue CD solved many installation problems. Very good score in our hands-on malware blocking test. SiteAdvisor toolbar identifies and blocks dangerous websites. Smart firewall won't hassle you. Accurate spam filter can even process webmail. Moz
So-so score in our hands-on malware cleanup test. Antispam processing noticeably slowed email download. Parental control system is limited and awkward
With its smart firewall, effective malware blocking, and accurate spam filter, McAfee Internet Security 2014 can be a good security suite choice. Just don't rely on it for parental control....
Published: 2014-02-01, Author: Sarah , review by: pcworld.in
Abstract: McAfee Internet Security 2014 ($56 for one year of protection on up to three PCs) offers adequate protection and an intuitive interface. The installation process can be a chore, and finding specific settings can be difficult, but its main shortcoming is t...
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Published: 2014-02-07, Author: Charles , review by: com-magazin.de
Abstract: Virengefahr droht heute in erster Linie aus dem Internet. Wer sich im Netz bewegt, kann deshalb auf einen Virenscanner nicht verzichten. Wir haben 9 aktuelle Sicherheitssuiten für Sie getestet.Einfallstor Nummer eins für Viren und Trojaner ist mittlerweil...
Abstract: Umsichtiges Surfen allein reicht nicht mehr aus, um sich vor Angriffen durch Bot-Netze und sogenannten Drive-By-Downloads zu schtzen. Effektive Virenscanner bilden hier die einzige Mglichkeit, sich gegen Zugriffe aus dem Internet abzusichern. Dabei g...
Abstract: Sarah Jacobsson Purewal. 2014 Security Showdown. PCWorld В этом обзоре мы протестируем новые версии девяти ведущих пакетов, предназначенных для борьбы с зловредными программами. Большая часть из них содержит средства защиты социальных сетей и сканирует по...