Abstract: Crysis 3 is another 2013 game we've been using to test graphics cards. Today we are presenting the scores of about 50 different GPUs and SLI/Crossfire combinations for this action game. You can read the review of Crysis 3 at IGN.com , where the came sc...
Abstract: When the original Crysis launched it quite literally made a mockery of high end gaming systems around the world, even today the game is a graphical juggernaut that offers a real feast for the eyes and even today's low-mid range gaming systems can have a h...
Crysis 3 is more of a tech demo than anything else. The storyline isn't really a great reason to play it and the campaign is short enough that you don't really get your value for money. What this is, is a game for you to show off your hardware. It'...
Abstract: Name: Genre: Platform: 2007's original Crysis game drew you in with visuals so stunning for their day that few were able to afford a PC rig suitably powerful to play it on. Once the allure of its sublime looks wore thin, it was able to keep you grippe...
Crysis 3 is handily outdone by the 2008 first game in the series, but compared to most of the current crop of first-person shooters it's rich with tactical flexibility and grand, sweeping environments.Tags:GamesBest prices todayRetailer Price Delivery Pr...
Awesome graphics, Return to more Crysislike gameplay, Stronger multiplayer
Gets a bit tired towards the end
Crysis 3 is an impressive shooter, with magnificent graphics and stronger gameplay than Crysis 2, even if it’s still not as open or dynamic as Crysis: Warhead. Its restrictions mean it suffers a little in comparison to Far Cry 3, but there’s compensatio...
For more information, do check back for our full review of the Crysis 3 which will go online soon.Tags:SoftwareBest prices todayRetailer Price Delivery Price comparision from, and manufacturersShare this articleShareTweetSendHi. I saw this on PC Adviso...
It might not go far enough in recapturing the freedom of that first PC Crysis, but Crysis 3 is a muscular shooter that juggles open settings and intense set-pieces with genuine skill. It's every bit as beautiful as you might expect, and there's a real art...