Abstract: VN:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait...Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast)One of the brand new exclusives for the PlayStation 4, available only through the PlayStation Store, is Resogun: a fast-paced side-scrolling shoot-em-up. If you’ve been a PlayStation Plus mem...
Abstract: For those of you luckily enough to own a PS4 (and according to Sony there's quite a few of us now) Resogun is free to play. So at least you're guaranteed something to play!Essentially you will scroll left and right on a cylindrical map blasting shooting a...
Retro-tastic eye candy, Captures the brilliance of classic 80s blasters, Free for PlayStation Plus subscribers
Just five levels
Resogun might draw on arcade gaming tradition but its feisty action, clever mechanics and thrilling visuals turn it from an exercise in dad-gaming nostalgia to an electrifying dose of instant thrills and primal action. Add to that the no-cost price (you...
Glorious gameplay, beautiful graphics, an equal balance of 16bit nostalgia and modern game design, addictive in the best ways
Limited game modes
Overall, Resogun is a frantic, energetic, highly addictive and visually exhilarating game. It can easily be picked up for five minutes but kept hold of for an hour as you try to raise that ever-valuable high score. Limited game modes keep it from feelin...
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Published: 2013-11-28, Author: Mike , review by: pocket-lint.com
Looks great, hard to master - will keep you coming back for more, budget buy, reignites the side-scrolling genre in true next-gen fashion
Repetitive, limited levels and ships, it's difficult - bosses further add to the difficulty, not sure what's going on sometimes
If you're from the era that loved side-scrolling shooters then be prepared to be blown away by Resogun - it's a game that feels fresh because, frankly, companies haven't properly invested in this genre for years. We can see why, because we thought s...
Abstract: Resogun's hook is that you'll be trying to save the last humans, as the voice in your Dualshock controller will handily point out at the start of every level. Every level has a certain number of humans to save, and you'll be on the lookout for special wav...
Published: 2013-12-16, Author: Mark , review by: gotgame.com
Thanks to Geometry Wars on the Xbox 360, it's hard to imagine a console launching without a twin-stick shooter these days. The PS3 had a couple a launch, the Wii U had one, the Vita had a Super Stardust, and now the PS4 has Resogun. Considering how many...
Abstract: CommentSo many games are releasing in a grey zone of console generations this year that it’s easy to wonder what besides visuals is separating them from each other. Is the audio fidelity better somehow? Does the hardware have a special pass that graces...
Resogun is a gem. Simplistic mechanics, a great look, tons of particle effects and truly satisfying gameplay make it an addictive little package that you'll want dripped into your system on a daily basis....