Awesome 2D picture quality, Good 3D picture quality, e-shift tech works a treat
Minor motion issues with 3D, Image presets could be better, Runs a touch noisily in Normal lamp mode
If you've read this whole review rather than just skipping straight to the verdict, you'll already know that we're just a bit in love with the JVC X55. On the other hand, if you have just skipped straight to the verdict, then let's swiftly sum things up l...
Published: 2013-01-28, Author: Steve , review by:
Reference black level performance, Superb dynamic range and contrast ratio, Excellent shadow detail performance, E-shift improved and can be turned off, Reference greyscale and gamut after calibration, Superb 2D images with a very ‘filmic' look, Bright im
Abstract: It's pilgrimage time again. As in, it's that time of the year where Trusted Reviews makes its annual trek to JVC's North London UK HQ to get some quality ‘early doors' time with the brand's latest range of projectors. Ever since the launch of the revolut...
Living with the X55 for a few weeks, I come off overall highly impressed with the unit. If you value contrast above everything else, and the ISF finds it to be the single mode important element of an image, then the JVC is untouchable. It also has a defau...
Abstract: JVC has already reached its second generation of 4K projectors, marked by the X5 model numbers. This one, the DLA-X55, is the company's entry-level model for 4K projection. Of course, you might argue that this isn't a fully 4K projector for the simple ...
S'agissant d'un modèle de pré-série nous ne formulerons pas de conclusions sur le nouveau X55 tant que nous n'aurons pas pu essayer un modèle disponible dans le commerce. Les valeurs de luminosité relativement faibles après calibration ne sont peut-êtr...
Abstract: 3 Blu-ray Discs für 21 EUR bei Wenn JVC zum alljährlichen Modellwechsel seiner DLA-X Projektorserie aufruft, spitzen Heimkinoliebhaber die Ohren (bzw. Augen), denn durch die Kombination aus Schwarzwert, Kontrast sowie günstiger Preise, zähl...
Published: 2013-04-03, Author: Lasse , review by:
Extrem skärpa, Djup svärta, Motorstyrd optik
Avvikelser i färgbalans, Hackiga 3D-rörelser, 3D-glasögon kostar extra
Personligen är jag en stor anhängare av JVC:s projektorer, och eftersom jag inte är så intresserad av 3D hade jag kunnat leva länge och väl med X55. Dess enastående grundkontrast och svärta är det ingen som rår på i klassen, och det sätter sin klara präge...
Published: 2013-03-22, Author: Lasse , review by:
Ekstrem skarphet, Svært dypt sortnivå, Motorisert optikk
Avvik i fargebalanse, Hakkete 3D-bevegelser, 3D-briller koster ekstra
Personlig er jeg fan av JVCs projektorer, og siden jeg ikke er så opptatt av 3D, kunne jeg levd lenge og godt med X55. Projektorens fremragende grunnkontrast og sortnivå, er det ingen som gjør bedre i denne klassen, og det setter sitt klare preg på film...