Testseek.co.uk have collected 16 expert reviews of the Sony VPL-VW95ES and the average rating is 94%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Sony VPL-VW95ES.
16 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Excellent 2D performance
Delightful to set up and use
Sublime 2D picture quality
Excellent set up flexibility
Very watchable 3D
Superb black levels and dynamic range that are very close to Reference
Excellent greyscale and colour gamut performance when calibrated
Excellent out-of-the-box colour gamut preset
Excellent out-of-the-box greyscale preset
Lens memory functionality is
The editors didn't like
3D performance is good
But we'd like better motion stability and less crosstalk
Still some crosstalk with 3D
Some settings are a bit complicated
Quite a bit of brightness has to be sacrificed to get the best all-round 3D performance
Too many gamma & colour temp selections
Needs to be renamed with most accurate for D65 and 2.2
2.4 etc
RCP is still not a convincing colour management system
Published: 2011-12-30, Author: Phil , review by: avforums.com
Superb black levels and dynamic range that are very close to Reference, Excellent greyscale and colour gamut performance when calibrated, Excellent out-of-the-box colour gamut preset, Excellent out-of-the-box greyscale preset, Lens memory functionality is
Too many gamma & colour temp selections, needs to be renamed with most accurate for D65 and 2.2, 2.4 etc, RCP is still not a convincing colour management system, although it works ok, Motionflow is still soap opera 'tastic
Sublime 2D picture quality, Excellent set up flexibility, Very watchable 3D
Still some crosstalk with 3D, Some settings are a bit complicated, Quite a bit of brightness has to be sacrificed to get the best all-round 3D performance
Then there's the VW95ES's sharpness with HD material. The only word we can think of to describe this is ‘blistering', so exceptional is the projector at revealing every tiny detail in pristine HD sources. What's more, this detail is produced without any n...
Abstract: With the VPL-VW95ES, Sony has another winner on their hands. This premium projector emphasizes picture quality first and foremost, and every other aspect of the projector is constructed to complement the picture on the screen. The VW95 is a solid value...
While I was a bit disappointed with the focus and contrast performance of the VPL-VW95ES, that's me: Most of my nitpicks come from being a bit of a videophile snob and probably won't even be noticed by all but the pickiest viewer. To put it in better per...
on the VPL-VW95ES projectorIt's true, that the Sony VPL-VW95ES is loaded with all kinds of controls and settings. The menus are just about dripping in them. 10 different gammas – and you can edit them, a full color management system, lots of 3D options...
Le contraste, Les menus très complet, Les couleurs en sortie de boîte, La discrétion de fonctionnement, La précision et la netteté de l'image, Le convertisseur 2D/3D, Le mode 120hz en 2D et 3D, Le traitement vidéo, Le RCP maintenant réellement efficace sur les 3 dimensions du gamut
Une luminosité en retrait par rapport au VW90ES en mode lampe bas, Un mode d'interpolation de trames inutilisables, Le ghosting
Nous ressortons de ce banc d'essai avec la certitude que SONY nous propose encore une fois un des projecteurs home cinéma les plus abouti du marché en 2D et en 3D. Le constructeur japonais a entendu et pris en compte les critiques faites sur le modèle ...
Отличное качество изображения (высокая нативная контрастность, хорошая равномерность, отличная цветопередача), Стереоскопический режим, Функция вставки промежуточных кадров, Очень тихая работа, Стильный корпус, Электромеханические приводы объектива и авто
Не поддерживается разрешение 1920 на 1080 при VGAподключении,
за предоставленный на тестирование проектор Sony VPLVW95ES
Проектор Sony VPL-VW95ES отлично показывает в «обычном» 2D-режиме и очень хорошо в стереоскопическом. Впрочем, все это он унаследовал от предыдущей модели VPL-VW90ES. Значимых отличий мы нашли всего несколько: убрали композитный вход, добавили несколько п...